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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2013 str. 24 <-- 24 --> PDF |
In research of Pilipović et al. 2012, biomass production, together with: nitrate reductase activity, net photosynthesis/dark respiration, proline content, chlorophyll fluorescence and pigments contents were studied as a possible markers for crude oil phytoremediation processes with poplars clones. Investiagted clones (Populus × euramericana clone ‘Pannonia’, Populus deltoids-clone ‘Bora’ and Populus nigra × P. maximowitzii× P. nigra var. Italica clone ‘9111/93’) showed various reactions to the different levels of soil contamination. The effect of crude oil contamination on physiological processes of poplar clones was observed in all investigated parameters with exception of the carotenoids concentration. On the basis of these results, poplar clones ‘Bora’ and ‘Pannonia’ showed potential for growth on crude oil contaminated soils. Micropropagated poplar (Populus jacquemontiana var. glauca (Haines) cv. ‘Kopeczki’) was estimated on the basis of Cd stress induced oxidative stress parameters. Cd stress caused acute damage evidenced by the increased MDA content and the elevated ratio of quenching by inactive PSII reaction centers. By the end of the third week, MDA content didn’t differed significantly from the control values, the MDA content of stressed plants was even lower than that of the controls. Nevertheless, both of the beta-carotene content and ascorbate peroxidase activity remained elevated at the 4th week, though they reached their maximum by the third week (Solti et al., 2011). Further in-depth antioxidant analysis of clones M1, B229 and PE 19/66 are needed because LPx parameter showed variable answers on different treatments on applied heavy metals. Conclusions Zaključci The availability of selected species and genotypes adapted to a given ecophysiollogical condition is a fundamental perquisite to successful application of Salicaceae to extract heavy metals from polluted waters or humid soils. Trudić et al. 2012 analyzed through the same oxidative stress methods extracts of leaves and roots of mentioned poplar clones. Comparing these results, B229 clone showed through leaves and roots more acceptable antioxidative answer, while in this study, M1 clone was the most promising through shoots. Taken into account of parameters from Pilipović et al. 2012, Trudić et al. 2012. research and our study, in those way used joint oxidative and physiological markers system in selection of poplar clones for crude oil phytoremediation and heavy metal contamination, it shall be a future stress ‘metabolical fingerprint’ strategy profiling for any possible woody plant species phytoremediation application. Our results may indicate genotypic specificity of all investigated biochemical parameters and mark some of the poplar clones, such as M1 as the primary, and B229 clone as the secondary clone in application of phytoremediation of heavy metal polluted soils. Still, further in vitro antioxidative analysis are needed for gaining new, deeper results regarding oxidative stress level due heavy metal pollution in soil. Acknowledgement Zahvala This paper was realized as a part of the project "Studying climate change and its influence on the environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation" (III43007) financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of integrated and interdisciplinary research for the period 2011–2014. References Literatura Auclair, C. and Voisin, E. 1985. Nitroblue tetrasolium reduction, In: CRC Handbook of Methods for Oxygen Radical Research (Ed. Greenwald R.A.) p. 123–132 Benzie, I.F.F. and Strain, J.J. 1999. 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