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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2013 str. 30 <-- 30 --> PDF |
Pinus pinea: There were five seed orchards. The number of clones ranged from 30 (ND 104, ND 105, ND 106 and ND 107) to 64 (ND 197). The number of ramets in the seed orchards ranged from 270 (ND 106) to 3068 (ND 105). The smallest seed orchard (ND 106) was 1.7 ha in size whereas the largest one (ND 105) was 19.5 ha. The ages of seed orchards were between 1 and 25 years. Spacing between ramets in most seed orchards was 8x8 m, except ND 197 which was 10x10 m. Pinus halepensis: There were only two seed orchards. ND 108 has 10 clones and 280 ramets in 2.3 ha area with 9x9 m spacing. ND 109 has 20 clones and 498 ramets in 5.9 ha area with 8x8 m spacing. The ages of seed orchards were 29 and 24 years, respectively. Picea orientalis: There were nine seed orchards. The number of clones in most seed orchards was 30, except ND 121 which has 50 clones. The number of ramets in the seed orchards ranged from 342 (ND 146) to 3121 (ND 121). The smallest seed orchard (ND 146) was 0.9 ha in size whereas the largest one (ND 121) was 7.5 ha. The ages of seed orchards were between 12 and 22 years. Spacing between ramets in most seed orchards was 5x5 m, except ND 110 and ND 152 which was 6x6 m. Cedrus libani: Seed orchards number was 12. The number of clones varies between 30 and 55 (ND 186). The number of ramets ranged between 584 (ND 200) and 2781 (ND 118). The size of establishment area ranged between 2.1 (ND 200) and 10.0 ha (ND 118). The ages of seed orchards were between 1 and 22 years. Spacing between ramets was 5x5 m and 6x6 m. The average number of related statistics and their corresponding standard deviations for each species are presented in Table 1. The average coefficient of variation for ramet numbers among all seed orchards (C.V. %) was calculated to be 36.30. The mean census number (N) and effective number of clones (Nc) were 33.12 and 27.59, respectively. The largest difference between N and Nc value was observed in P. halepensis (56%), represented by only two seed orchards. The smallest difference between N and Nc value was observed in P. sylvestris (9.7%), represented by 12 seed orchards (Table 1). Most of the seed orchards (76.3%) had effective number of clones between 5 and 30. One sixth of them had Nc values ranging between 31 and 60. Also, in 11 (% 6.5) seed orchards Nc value was estimated to be higher than 61. Relationship between Nc and N in each of the clonal seed orchards in Turkey were presented in Figure 1. For the seed |