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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2013 str. 35 <-- 35 --> PDF |
Koski, V., J. Antola, 1993: National Tree Breeding and Seed Production Program for Turkey 1994–2003, Enso Forest Development Oy. Ltd., Turkish-Finnish Forestry Project. Leone, V., R. Lovreglio, 2004: Conservation of Mediterranean pine woodlands: scenarios and legislative tools, Plant Ecology 171: 221–235. Lindgren, D., D. Danusevicius, O. Rosvall, 2009: Unequal deployment of clones to seed orchards by considering genetic gain, relatedness and gene diversity, Forestry 82(1): 17–28. Lindgren, D., T.J. Mullin, 1998: Relatedness and status number in seed orchard crops, Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28: 276–283. Lindgren, D., F. Prescher, 2005: Optimal clone number for seed orchards with tested clones, Silvae Genetica 54(2): 80–92. Maciver, D.C., E. Wheaton, 2005: Tomorrow’s forests: adapting to a changing climate, Climatic Change 70: 273–282. Moriguchi, Y., F. Prescher, D. Lindgren, 2008: Optimum lifetime for Swedish Picea abies seed orchards, New Forests 35: 147–157. Medail, F., K. Diadema, 2009: Glacial refugia influence plant diversity patterns in the Mediterranean Basin, Journal of Biogeography 36: 1333–1345. Muona, O., A. Harju, 1989: Effective population size, genetic variability and mating systems in natural stands and seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris, Silvae Genetica 38: 221–228. Nikkanen, T., S. Ruotsalainen, 2000: Variation in flowering abundance and its impact on the genetic diversity of the seed crop in a Norway spruce seed orchard, Silva Fennica 34(3): 205–222. OATIAM (2011) Forest Tree Seeds and Tree Breeding Research Directorate. Prescher, F., D. Lindgren, B. Karlsson, 2008: Genetic thinning of clonal seed orchards using linear deployment may improve both gain and diversity, Forest Ecology and Management 254: 188–192. Ravindranath, N.H., 2007: Mitigation and adaptation synergy in forest sector, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12: 843–853. StClair, J.B., G.T. Howe, 2011: Strategies for conserving forest genetic resources in the face of climate change, Turkish Journal of Botany 35: 403–409. Stoehr, M.U., Y.A. El-Kassaby, 1997: Levels of genetic diversity at different stages of the domestication cycle of interior spruce in British Columbia, Theoretical and Applied Genetics 94: 83–90. Stoehr, M.U., B.L. Orvar, T.M. Vo, J.R. Gawley, J.E. Webber, C.H. Newton, 1998: Application of a chloroplast DNA marker in seed orchard management evaluations of Douglas-fir, Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28: 187–195. Ture, C., H. Bocuk, 2010: Distribution patterns of threatened endemic plants in Turkey: A quantitative approach for conservation, Journal for Nature Conservation 18: 296–303. Underwood, E.C., J.H. Viers, K.R. Klausmeyer, R.L. Cox, M.R. Shaw, 2009: Threats and biodiversity in the Mediterranean biome, Diversity and Distribution 15: 188–197. Varghese, M., A. Nicodemus, B. Nagarajan, D. Lindgren, 2006: Impact of fertility variation on gene diversity and drift in two clonal seed orchards of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.), New Forests 31: 497–512. Vila, M., J. Vayreda, C. Gracia, J.J. Ibanez, 2003: Does tree diversity increase wood production in pine forests? Oecologia 135: 299–303. Zhuowen, Z., 2002: Pollen Dispersal and its Spatial Distribution in Seed Orchards of Cunninghamia lanceolata (LAMB.) Hook, Silvae Genetica 51(5–6): 237–241. Sažetak Mediteranski bazen jedan je od glavnih središta biljne raznolikosti u Sjevernoj hemisferi. Istočni Mediteran također je područje iznimne genetske raznolikosti četinjača. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene klonske sjemenske plantaže Turske s ciljem utvrđivanja efektivnog broja klonova. Srednji broj klonova (N) procijenjen je na 33,12. Srednji efektivni broj klonova (Nc) iznosi 27,59, a srednji relativni efektivni broj klonova (Nr = Nc / N) je 0,827. Procijenjeni proporcionalni genetski diverzitet iznosio je 0,973, s rasponom od 0,922 – 0,983. Stoga je potrebno voditi računa da se koristi gotovo podjednaki broj rameta tijekom osnivanja i održavanja klonskih sjemenskih plantaža. Prijetnje poput klimatskih promjena, požara, bolesti i kukaca moraju se uzeti u obzir kod osnivanja plantaža. Potrebno je uzorkovati velik broj populacija sa šireg područja, a klonske sjemenske plantaže najbolje je osnivati lokalno uvažavajući ekološka obilježja četinjača. Ovime se također osigurava održivo gospodarenje šumskim genetskim bogatstvom. Kod osnivanja budućih klonskih sjemenskih plantaža nužno je pribaviti podatke o fenotipskoj selekciji kao i rezultate molekularne genetičke analize potencijalnih klonova. Ključne riječi: klimatske promjene, efektivni broj klonova, genetska raznolikost, varijabilnost rameta, sjemenska plantaža |