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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2013 str. 63 <-- 63 --> PDF |
4. Literatura References Anić, M., 1946: Dendrologija. U (Šafar, J., ur.): Šumarski priručnik I. Poljoprivredni nakladni zavod, Zagreb. 475–582 pp. Erhardt, W., E. Götz, N. Bödeker, S. Seybold, 2008: Zander – Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen. 18. Auflage. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart. 983 pp. Hoffman, M. H. A., 2005: List of names of woody plants. International standard. Boskoop. 871 pp. Idžojtić, M., 2005: Listopadno drveće i grmlje u zimskom razdoblju. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet. 256 pp. Idžojtić, M., 2009: Dendrologija – List. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet. 904 pp. Idžojtić, M., 2012: Studija determinacije biljaka u Arboretumu Lisičine. IPA CBC HU-HR 2007–2013, "Nature is the first and the preciouse". Zagreb, 57 pp. Idžojtić, M., M. Zebec, I. Poljak, 2010: Revitalizacija Arboretuma Lisičine. Šum. list 1–2: 5–18. Idžojtić, M., M. Zebec, I. Poljak, 2011: Dendrološka i hortikulturna vrijednost Arboretuma Lisičine. Croatian Journal of Forest Engeneering 32 (1): 193–203. Vidaković, M., 1982: Četinjače – Morfologija i varijabilnost. JAZU & Liber, Zagreb. 711 pp. Vidaković, M. (ur.), 1986: Arboretum Lisičine. ROŠ "Slavonska šuma", Vinkovci. 87 pp. Vidaković, M., 1993: Četinjače – Morfologija i varijabilnost. Grafički zavod Hrvatske i Hrvatske šume, Zagreb. 744 pp. *** Šumarska enciklopedija Vol. I–III, 1980–1987. JLZ "Miroslav Krleža", Zagreb. Summary The Lisičine Arboretum is located on the Papuk mountain, Croatia. It is managed by Croatian Forests Ltd. Zagreb, Forest Administration Našice, Forest Office Voćin. In this work the tree and shrub species of a part of the Arboretum are presented, in which plants from Europe, Asia and North America are located. This area was inaccessible before the works within the IPA project of cross-border cooperation between Croatia and Hungary (IPA CBC HU-HR 2007-2013), under the title: "Nature is the first and the precious" have been carried out. The project included the horticultural and infrastructural revitalisation of the Arboretum. 145 taxa (species, subspecies, hybrids and cultivars) have been determined, of which 44 are gymnosperms and the other 101 are angiosperms (Table 1). The determined taxa belong to 59 different genera, the highest number of taxa being from the following: Pinus – pine (13), Acer – maple (12), Abies – fir (10), Quercus – oak (8), Picea – spruce (7) and Betula – birch (6). By comparing the list of taxa from the horticultural part of the Lisičine Arboretum (Idžojtić et al. 2010) it is apparent that 47 of the 145 determined taxa occur in both this and the horticultural part, meaning that there are 98 new taxa. This means that in the whole arboretum Lisičine 512 different taxa have been determined altogether. As especially valuable species – which are probably the only samples planted in Croatia or are very rare – the following can be mentioned: Abies firma (Momi fir), A. holophylla (Manchurian fir), A. homolepis (Nikko fir), A. sachalinensis (Sakhalin fir), Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce), Pinus attenuata (knobcone pine), P. coulteri (Coulter pine), P. koraiensis (Korean pine), P. monticola (Western white pine), P. resinosa (red pine), P. rigida (pitch pine), Tsuga sieboldii (Southern Japanese hemlock), Alnus japonica (Japanese alder), Betula alleghaniensis (yellow birch), B. medwediewii (Transcaucasian birch), B. nigra (black birch), B. papyrifera (paper birch), Magnolia denudata (Yulan magnolia), M. obovata (Japanese bigleaf magnolia), Malus coronaria (sweet crabapple), Ostrya virginiana (American hophornbeam), Pyrus betulifolia (birchleaf pear), Quercus dentata (Japanese emperor oak), Q. imbricaria (laurel oak) and Q. variabilis (Chinese cork oak). Key words: Lisičine Arboretum, Croatia, determination, trees, shrubs |