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Summary White mistletoe (Viscum album L.) is semi-parasitic plant which in different intensity occurs on numerous deciduous and coniferous tree species. The research on the impact of micro-localities to the intensity of infestation of Silver fir trees with white mistletoe was conducted in April 2012 in forest management area "Ključko", management unit "Šiša-Palež", in parts of units 5, 6 and 7/1 which belong to management class 1211 – Forests of Beech and Silver fir with Spruce on mainly deep calco-cambisole, luvisole and combinations of it on dense limestone and dolomites. According to the valid forest management plan for these forests is predicted a group-selective system of management. As characteristics of the micro-locality of infested Silver fir trees were assessed or measured the following parameters: breast-height diameter, inclination, altitude above the sea level and shading of the crown of infested tree caused by crowns of neighboring trees. The intensity of the presence of white mistletoe on Silver fir trees was assessed by implementation of Hawksworth Index of Infestation Research covered 517 infested Silver fir trees by the characteristics of which are given in the tables 1–4. It was determined that with the increase of breast-height diameter of tree (diameter class) increases the average index of infestation (Figure 1). By the analysis of variance were determined statistically highly important differences in the intensity of infestation by white mistletoe of trees from different diameter classes (Table 1; F = 9,239; sig. 0,000). In majority of cases, the increase of the inclination of the terrain has caused higher intensity of infestation of trees. However, by the analysis of variance were not determined statistically significant differences |