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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2013 str. 36 <-- 36 --> PDF |
sense, the true origin of beavers might have especially been masked when animals were taken from zoological gardens and/or captive breedings in Eastern Europe. With respect to mating in the current beaver population of Lower Austria, it is obvious that no regional structure of different reintroduced subspecific groups exist, but in fact at most of the sampled localities both major mtDNA lineages could be identified (Fig. 1). Therefore, pairings between these lineages are highly likely, and proven in our study by at least four genetically mixed beaver pairs trapped in the status of gestation. Indication of intraspecific hybridisation within the Lower Austrian beaver population – Naznake unutarvrsnog križanja unutar populacije dabra u Donjoj Austriji Beside the differing origin of the introduced beavers in Lower Austria, there is also indication of intraspecific hybridisation within our beaver sample set. The assumption of hybridisation is not only indicated by the co-occurrence of the two major mtDNA lineages at the same site or within the same beaver territory, but is further supported by the fact that dark-coated individuals occur within both major |