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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2013 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

mtDNA lineages ("A" and "B") observed. Moreover, one rather bright-coated individual was detected belonging to the Eastern European beaver group (C. f. pohlei). Following the argumentation line by Horn et al. (2010), we are interpreting the nuclear black-coat character typical for the Eastern European beaver group (cf. Durka et al. 2005) found in both major Western European beaver mtDNA lineages in Lower Austria as a strong indication for the assumed intraspecific hybridisation: to observe a female black-coated beaver characterised by, for instance, subsp. fiber mtDNA (i.e. representing a Western European beaver), the nuclear encoded coat colour should originate from the paternal line (i.e. representing an Eastern European beaver) following at least two reproduction events. In addition, also Kautenburger & Sander (2008) have speculated about possible hybridisation in their Austrian beaver sampling to explain some aberrant RAPD variation analysed.
However, direct evidence of such intraspecific hybridisation cannot be deduced from the solely maternally inherited mtDNA data set alone. Therefore, further molecular markers, especially representing the nuclear genome, need to be analysed (cf. Horn et al. 2010). This will represent the next step in the genetic part of the beaver management in Lower Austria. In addition, we are also interested in assessing family size and local patterns of beaver activity ranges and dispersal routes. Therefore, we will also use microsatellite markers (see Frosch et al. 2011) within our Lower Austrian beaver sampling in the future.
Financial support was given by the European Commission, Brussels, EU ("Ländliche Entwicklung") and the Lower Austria Landschaftsfonds, St. Pölten, Austria. We also thank the two referees for their comments on our manuscript.
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