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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2014 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

– stand regeneration ranking according to highest potential rent difference (well structure stand has highest regeneration priority – OSR)
Different management approach validation is performed using comparison and deviation indices (actual vs. theoretical management criteria average deviation).
Results showed that less intensive regeneration approach with appurtenant requirements would lead to development of an optimal forest structure as to larger number, smaller sized (5 ha average area), and more homogeneous stands (fig. 1a). Development of age-class forest structure has indirectly manifested in trends of average stand age (fig. 1b). An approach of intensive forest regeneration would result with fast decrease of average stand age, oscillating around theoretical stand age and never would achieve theoretical age-class structure. A question of maintenance and conservation of pedunculate oak stands for long period, up to stand age above 250 years, is very important, particular in a case of less intensive regeneration over long regeneration period of forest.
Influence of forest regeneration intensity and approach of regeneration priority stand ranking on trends and total amont of forest growing stock, intermediate and regeneration fellings (fig. 2, tab. 2 and 3), as well as on value of fellings (fig. 3, tab. 2 and 3), has obtained. More intensive regeneration would result with larger average growing stock, total fellings and gross/net value of fellings, meanwhile with large deviations around theoretical models. Approach of priority regeneration of poor quality stands would achieve larger amounts of fellings and revenues too, but with less deviations, what is in terms of sustainability, more acceptable.
Future forest management for the forest (and forests of such structure) based on gradually forest regeneration over longer period, by priority regeneration of areas up to 5 ha within poor quality structure parts of current forest stands (new stands), is recommended. This management approach would lead to forming of an appropriate spatial forest structure and development of a balanced age-class structure, with the highest ecological and economic effects.
Key words: pedunculate oak, age-class distribution, stand structure, rent, regeneration priority, planning of regeneration felling