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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2014 str. 70 <-- 70 --> PDF |
greater frequency (>40 %) on NL and NP (see Tab. 5, compare Vitasović Kosić et al. 2012). The occurrence of B. rupestre in Ćićarija is consistent with several studies, all of which emphasize the role of B. pinnatum and B. rupestre in the invasion of unmanaged grasslands through processes of competition and related problems of conservation (During & Willems 1984, Bobbink & Willems 1987). According to Grime (1973, 2001), B. rupestre possesses dominant features such as large size, strong vegetative reproductive capacity (with marked lateral spreading), growth from basal meristems (Stebbins 1972), and high phytomass production (Catorci et al. 2012). Moreover, its silica-rich leaves render this species poorly palatable for sheep (Grime et al. 1988), thus enabling the formation of a large amount of plant litter and a consequent decrease in floristic diversity (Bonanomi and Allegrezza 2004; Bonanomi et al. 2009). Under-grazing and irregular mowing (i.e., low disturbance) lead to the floristic homogenization of a system (Vitasović Kosić et al. 2011), which ultimately leads to a reduction in plant diversity. Meadows are subjected to the invasion of B. rupestre to a larger extent and, as stated by Bennie et al. (2006), they are more vulnerable to the loss of floristic diversity than pastures after regular management ceases. For this reason, regular mowing should be maintained and intensified. As for dry pastures, a solution for more efficient management could be in using very low selective herbivores, such as cows, donkeys or horses, for grazing. In conclusion, particular attention in the protection and preservation of grasslands should be given to certain management measures (grazing and mowing) in order to maintain biodiversity, prevent grassland succession, and maintain control of the spread of B. rupestre. The results of this research can provide the basis for the development of new management plans, which will require specific knowledge on the preservation of biodiversity, particularly in Special Protected Areas (SPA) within the Natura 2000 network. Syntaxonomical interpretation: FESTUCO-BROMETEA Braun-Blanquet et R. Tüxen 1943 SCORZONERO-CHRYSOPOGONETALIA Horvatić et Horvat (1956) 1958 Saturejon subspicatae Horvatić 1975 Carici humili-Centaureetum rupestris Horvat 1931 aa) subas. satureetosum variegatae Poldini 1989 (= as. Saturejo subspicatae-Caricetum humilis Trinajstić /1981/1999, corr.2007) ab) subas. laserpitietosum sileris Kaligarič et Poldini 1997, variant with Laserpitium siler (so far observed only in Gorski Kotar) ac) subas. seslerietosum juncifoliae Horvat 1962 (= as. Seslerio juncifoliae-Caricetum humilis Horvat 1930) Scorzonerion villosae Horvatić 1949 Danthonio-Scorzoneretum villosae Horvatić (1956) 1958 subas. koelerietosum macranthae Vitasović Kosić 2011. Bromo-Chrysopogonetum grylli Horvat 1960 BROMETALIA ERECTI Braun-Blaunquet 1936 Bromion erecti W. Koch 1926 Koelerio pyramidatae-Brachypodietum rupestris Trinajstić (1981) 2005 MOLINIO-ARRHENATHERETEA R. Tüxen 1937 ARRHENATHERETALIA Pawlowski 1928 Arrhenaterion elatioris Braun-Blaunquet 1926 subas. Anthoxantho-Brometum erecti Poldini 1980 (= subas. Arrhenatheretum elatioris brometosum erecti Poldini 1989) – first time recorded in Croatia KEY WORDS: grasslands, Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia, Brachypodium rupestre, woody species, herbaceous species of the forest edge, Ćićarija, Croatia |