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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2014 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

structurally similar stands from Croatia, Slovenia and Italy (alliance Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis, Table 2). Synoptic table can be obtained from the author.
Structure and floristic composition of stands
Forest stands of Pihlja and Vitra cover 1.48 ha and 1.9 ha, respectively, majority of the bottom of the dolines (Table 1). Small non-forested parts of dolines represent screes occupied by Drypis spinosa subsp. jacquiniana, which are located at their northern part; in Vitra, however, another scree in advanced vegetation succession stage is located at the central part of otherwise densely forested doline. Stoniness of sampling plots varies between 10 and 50 % (Me = 20) of the area (Table 3). Stands are moderately diverse in number of vascular plants, ranging from 23 to 31 taxa per plot (Me = 25) with the coefficient of variation of 9.3 %.
Both dolines are densely covered by forest stands where Quercus pubescens45 (present in 100 % rel.), Fraxinus ornus+2 (100 %), Carpinus orientalis+3 (64 %) and Ostrya carpinifolia12 (64 %) prevail in the tree layer. Acer monspessulanum12 occurs in app. 27 % of rel., while A. campestre+, Sorbus aria+, S. domestica1 and Tilia platyphyllos1 occur only once in a tree layer. Tree canopy covers 70–100 % of the area (Me = 90). Quercus pubescens is the dominant, up to 30 m high tree with respective diameter of 40–60 cm (at breast height). In the easternmost part of Vitra, along the base of precipitate walls and on stabilized and rock fall screes and boulders, Tilia platyphyllos builds a small stand. A shrub layer, composed of 25 species, is well developed and covers 50–100 % of the area (Me = 80). Carpinus orientalis14, Cotinus coggygria14 Coronilla emerus subsp. emeroides13 and Juniperus oxycedrus+2 occur in all relevés. In more than a