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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2014 str. 31     <-- 31 -->        PDF

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General forest functions are the key holders of the value of Mediterrainean forests. The basic aim of the implemented research was to determine the role of forests and forestry in tourism and nature protection. The attention is drawn to the tourist-recreative function of forests as the elemental component of forest functions of general benefit which, by their position, appearance or some other functions, increase the tourist business.
Assessment of forest functions of general benefit was done in Zadar county together with the evaluation of the tourist-recreative function and other forest functions of general benefit, taking in consideration all the relevant parameters for assessment according to the Book of rules on forest management (111/06.) and the Book of rules on determination of the fee for transferred and limited rights on forest and forest land (NN 131/06), in chosen tourist localities (Hotel Alan, Starigrad – Paklenica; Holiday village Zaton, Zaton; Holiday village Crvena Luka, Biograd and Hotel Kolovare in Zadar) where the tourist survey was implemented.
The chosen method of survey is individual filling in of a questionnaire on the side of tourists. The survey was divided in four thematic units: socio-demographic profile of a tourist, motivation to come and satis- faction with the offer of Zadar county as a tourist destination, and attitude toward forests. Research results have shown that tourists on vacation in Zadar county mostly desire to see the nature (68 %) and protected nature objects (53 %), and they are most satisfied with the beauty of nature and ecological preservation. Forest attracts them as ambiance-atmosphere and place for recreation activities. The examinee characteristics like the country of permanent staying, occupation and age had affected their pointing out of relevance for certain factors.
Based on the research at the end of the work, there are propositions for the improvement of a part of forest space for tourist and recreation purposes, inclusion into the tourist offer of the Zadar county and making new incomes for the Mediterranean forestry.