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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2014 str. 20 <-- 20 --> PDF |
all trees and years of observation. The average value of three years of monitoring the difference between the date of the latest and the earliest flowering in the location of "Ada Ciganlija" was 17.3 days, and in the location of "Bojčinska šuma" 8.7 days. This means that the flowering time lasted averagely longer in the location of "Ada Ciganlija" for about a week than in the location of "Bojčinska šuma", which makes the population in the location of "Ada Ciganlija" less homogeneous (Table 1). Observing each year particularly, the difference between the dates of the earliest and latest flowering in the location of "Ada Ciganlija" is 25 (2004), 17 (2005) and 11 days (2006) and in the location of "Bojčinska šuma" 7 (2004), 14 (2005) and 6 days (2006) (Figures 2, 3). Among the locations there has been confirmed a significant difference in flowering time (mean value of number of days until pollination start for AC is 111.12a compared to 103.83b for BS). On average for three years of observation, this difference counted 7.3 days. According to the Scheffe’s test results differences between years of observation (2004, 2005 and 2006) have been confirmed for both locations AC and BS (Table 2, small caps a, |