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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2014 str. 30     <-- 30 -->        PDF

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Habitat is defined as a set of natural resources and conditions present in a given area that ensures the stability of the population that it inhabits. Antlers of Cervidae family are an example of fast growing tissues and the only organs of the mammals capable of complete regeneration. Each year the antlers are discarded and each year the new set of antlers are grown. This is called a cycle of antler growth and it is closely associated with the reproductive cycle, hormonal processes, climate and hydrological factors. Climatic and hydrological factors can influence directly through air temperature, precipitation (rain, snow), ground cover (rain, snow), sunlight hours (photoperiod) and hydro levels. Climatic and hydrological factors can influence indirectly through vegetation as a source of food. The aim of this paper is to link climate and hydological factors with the developement level of red deer antlers. The research area is periodically flooded parts near the rivers of Danube and Drava and it lies in the northeastern part of Republic of Croatia, on the border with Hungary and Serbia. At this unique natural areas one can find habitats for many species of plants and animals and it also represents an preserved habitat of red deer (Cervus elaphus).