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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2014 str. 44     <-- 44 -->        PDF

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For successful afforestation in Mediterranean karst areas several important criteria must be fulfilled, especially adequate tree species selection, high-quality seedlings and proper soil preparation. Considering above metioned conditions, morphological features of one-year old stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) seedlings were analyzed. Seedlings were grown in different types of containers to establish the effect of container type on development (quality) of above- and belowground parts of the seedlings. Survival rates, growth and development of seedlings were measured and monitored in the period from 2003 to 2009, in forest culture on experimental plot in the vicinity of Šibenik (Mediterranean part of Croatia). Seedlings were planted both on ripped ground and in the pits with dimensions of 40 × 40 × 40 cm.
Four types of containers were used: MP53/12, MP33/18, T7/24 and T8/24. Studied seedling variables (morphological features) include: seedling height, root collar diameter, biomass of the aboveground part of the seedlings and total seedling biomass. Two morphological indexes were calculated from measured variables: S/R ratio and DQI. Morphological dimensions of root systems (total root length, number of root tips, surface area and root volume) were scanned and measured with WinRhizo software. Seedlings were arranged over the area of the experimental plot according to the randomized block method. Seedlings were randomly assigned to 3 blocks (block area = 0.2 ha). Within each block two types of soil preparation prior to planting were performed: in pits with dimensions of 40 × 40 × 40 cm, and on the ripped ground. Each year during the experiment, after the growth cessation, seedlings were measured for height increment, and survival rates (e.g. mortality), with