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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2014 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

the bottles were weighed weekly to check for altered moisture content of the seeds, and distilled water was added by spraying, if needed. The germination tests were performed on two-layered filter paper in 15-cm diameter Petri dishes with 150 (3 × 50) seeds at 20 °C. Seeds were rinsed with distilled sterile water for five minutes prior to the germination test. The seeds were considered germinated when their radicles protruded 3 mm and showed geotropism. The Petri dishes were examined every two days, and the germinated seeds were counted and removed. Germination tests were terminated on day 28.
The effects of temperature – Utjecaj temperature
To determine the effect of temperature on the germination response, seeds from 3 different provenances (Bucak, Kozan, Saimbeyli) were pre-chilled without media for 2, 4, and 6 w in a refrigerator (4 °C). Pre-chilling was applied in the plastic bottles covered with perforated aluminum foil in the dark. Seeds were subjected to germination tests at 12 °C, 16 °C, 20 °C, and 24 °C after the pre-chilling treatments.
Germination Parameters – Parametri klijanja
In the germination tests, the germination percentage (GP) and mean germination time (MGT) were calculated according to the following formulas (Bewley et al. 2013):
where GP (%) is the germination percentage, ni is the number of germinated seeds at week i, and N is the total number of incubated seeds per test; and
where MGT is the mean germination time, ti is the number of weeks from the beginning of the test, and ni is the number of germinated seeds recorded on week t(i).
Statistical Analyses – Statistička analiza
The data on seed weight, seed length, thickness, width, germination percentage, and mean germination time were analyzed using ANOVA. The treatment means were tested by Duncan’s multiple range test. The percent values (GP) were normalized by transformation by the arcsine square root (), prior to the variance analyses.
Morphological Characteristics – Morfološka svojstva sjemena
The average 1000-seed weight for the five provenances was 169.7 g at about 6 % MC. There were significant differences between provenances in terms of seed dimensions and weights (Table 2). The average seed length, width, thickness, and weight were 14.26 mm, 7.13 mm, 4.44 mm, and 0.170 g, respectively. The weight of the seed from Bucak was distinctly heavier than those from the other provenances.
Dormancy Level and Pretreatment Requirements – Stupanj dormantnosti i predsjetvena priprema
There were apparent differences between the pre-chilling treatments in terms of the percentage of seeds that germinated at 20°C (Table 3; Figure 1). Pre-chilling treatments of 2 and 4 w were insufficient, but 6 w of pre-chilling was found to totally eliminate seed dormancy and led to the highest GP.
The average GPs were 35.6 %, 55.7 %, 63.6 %, and 79.6 % after treatment with 0-w (control), 2-w, 4-w, and 6-w pre-chilling, respectively. About half of the seeds germinated without any pre-chilling. Following the 2-w and 4-w pre-chilling durations, some of the ungerminated were found to be sound, but after the 6-w pre-chilling, the ungerminated seeds were found to be either decayed or infected.