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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2014 str. 44 <-- 44 --> PDF |
The dormancy level differed by provenance. The seeds from Saimbeyli reached their maximum GP after 2 w of pre-chilling, while those from the other s required about 6 w of pre-chilling for the dormancy to be completely removed. We also note that, after 6 w of pre-chilling, the GPs of the seeds from the various provenances differed. There was a distinctive difference between the GPs for the seeds from different provenances after fully eliminating dormancy by pre-chilling for 6 w. The A. cilicica subsp. cilicica seeds from the Göksun, Saimbeyli, and Kozan provenances demonstrated the highest GPs, while the overall GPs of Anamur and Bucak (A. cilicica subsp. isaurica) were lower than those of other populations due to a lower germination potential (Table 2). The pre-chilling duration also significantly affected the germination speed. The longer the pre-chilling period, the faster the germination occurred. Average MGT was 16.5, 13.2, 12.3, and 9.1 d at control (0-w), 2-w, 4-w, and 6-w duration of pre-chilling, respectively (Table 3). Population factor was also effective on the MGT. In general, the seeds of eastern populations (A. cilicica subsp. cilicica) germinated faster than those of western populations (A. cilicica subsp. isaurica). The average GP and MGT for each of the five populations are clearly seen in Figure 2. With an increasing duration of pre-chilling, the average GP increases and the average MGT decreases. Figure 3 clearly shows that the dormancy is less deep in the Saimbeyli and Göksun populations. After six weeks of pre-chilling, the germinations curves clearly fall into two groups. The eastern Taurus populations (those from Saimbeyli, Kozan, and Göksun) formed relatively similar germination curves, which show similarities in terms of the physiological characteristics of their seeds. Similarly, the western populations (Anamur and Bucak) demonstrated curves that were identical in terms of rate and speed of germination. |