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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2014 str. 45     <-- 45 -->        PDF

Effects of temperature on the germination behavior after different durations of pre-chilling – Utjecaj temperature na klijavost sjemena nakon različitog trajanja stratifikacije
In general, the effect of temperature, the duration of pre-chilling, the provenance of the population, and their interactions affected the GP and MGT (Table 5). Both pretreatment and population significantly affected the germination percentage of A. cilicica seeds. The pretreatment × population interaction effect was also found to be significant for GP.
After different durations of pre-chilling, the Taurus fir seeds had different GPs. The highest (76.2 %) and the lowest (56.3 %) were obtained after pre-chilling for 6 w and 2 w, respectively.
On average, these three populations reached their highest germination rates at 20 °C and 24 °C; there was no significant difference between the rates of germination at 20 °C and 24 °C. Similarly, at germination temperatures of 12 °C and 16 °C, there was no statistically significant difference between the percentages of germination. The germination percentages at 12 °C and 16 °C were significantly lower than those at 20 °C and 24 °C (Table 6).
There were significant differences between provenances in terms of the overall average percentage of germination. The seeds from Saimbeyli reached the highest germination percentage (89.3 %), while the seeds with the lowest germination percentage (38.2 %) were from Bucak.
A pre-chilling interval of 4 w and 2 w seems to be sufficient for Kozan and Saimbeyli, respectively, due to the reduced depth of their dormancy. On the other hand, germination rates generally increased as the duration of pre-chilling was extended.