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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2014 str. 58     <-- 58 -->        PDF

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The landscape dynamics in coastal areas of Croatian karst is under heavy influence of reforestation in which the use of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) was predominant. This prevailance of Aleppo pine in reforestation has led to its vast spatial expansion which in turn has resulted in the direct consequences on the whole environment. The purpose of this research paper is to examine the real distribution of Aleppo pine in the wider area of Šibenik and its impacts on other vegetation, both of which reflect on the landscape structure. The main source of data were sattelite images obtained from the State Geodetical Administration of the Republic of Croatia and data from CORINE Land Cover database and Hrvatske šume d.o.o. Supported by the field research where needed, a map of spatial distribution of Aleppo pine was created using ArcMap 10.0. which categorizes the appearance of Aleppo pine in 3 categories. The areas where Aleppo pine has the complete dominance comprise 13 % of research area, while larger clusters of Aleppo pine trees appear in 19 % of area. These areas are mainly found on islands, coastal areas or in the vicinity of larger settelments. Sporadic appearance of Aleppo pine trees is noticed on further 33 % of research area, meaning that, from the late 19th century when Aleppo pine was present only on 30 ha of island Krapanj to the present times, its growth area has expanded by 31.750 ha or 600 % per year. Out of that area 15.680 ha is heavily forested by Aleppo pine which would imply its invasive character, which is also supported by the studies indicating negative effects of Aleppo pine on biodiversity of the area where it grows. The expanding stands of Aleppo pine are inducing the regrowth of autochthonous holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) but the results are not satisfying and call for the increased investments in silviculture.
Keywords: Aleppo pine, Pinus halepensis, geographic information system, GIS, Šibenik, cultural landscape, vegetation cover, afforestation