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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2015 str. 21 <-- 21 --> PDF |
Doner, H. E., W. C. Lynn, 1989: Carbonate, Halide, Sulfate and Sulfide Minerals, Chapter 6, In: Minerals in soil environments, Second Edition (Co-Ed: J. B. Dixon & S. B. Weed), Soil Science Society of America Madison, Wisconsin, USA, pp. 279–330 Halamić, J., S. Miko, 2009: Geokemijski atlas Hrvatske, Hrvatski geološki institut Zagreb, pp. 87 Halamić, J., Z. Peh, D. Bukovec, S. Miko, L. Galović, 2001: A Factor Model of the Relationship between Stream Sediment Geochemistry and Adjacent Drainage Basin Lithology, Medvednica Mt., Croatia, Geologia Croatica, 54/1, Croatian Geological Survey Zagreb, pp. 37–51 Helmke, P. A., 2000: The Chemical Composition of Soils, In: Handbook of Soil Science (Ed. M. E. Sumner), CRC Press, pp. B1-B24 HRN ISO 10390, 2005: Kakvoća tla – Određivanje pH-vrijednost (u skladu s ISO 10390: 2005). HRN ISO 13878:2004. Hrvatski zavod za normizaciju, Zagreb. HRN ISO 10694, 2004: Kakvoća tla – Određivanje organskoga i ukupnog ugljika suhim spaljivanjem (elementarna analiza) (u skladu s ISO 10694:1995). Hrvatski zavod za normizaciju, Zagreb. HRN ISO 11277, 2011: Kvaliteta tla – Određivanje raspodjele veličine čestica (mehaničkog sastava) u mineralnom dijelu tla – Metoda prosijavanja i sedimentacije (u skladu s ISO 11277:2009). Hrvatski zavod za normizaciju, Zagreb. HRN ISO 13878, 2004: Kakvoća tla – Određivanje sadržaja ukupnog dušika suhim spaljivanjem („elementarna analiza“) (u skladu s ISO 13878:1998). Hrvatski zavod za normizaciju, Zagreb. HRN ISO 11466, 2004: Kakvoća tla – Ekstrakcija elemenata topljivih u zlatotopci (u skladu s ISO 11466:1995). Hrvatski zavod za normizaciju, Zagreb. Huang, P. M., 1989: Feldspars, Olivines, Pyroxenes and Amphiboles, Chapter 20, In: Minerals in soil environments, Second Edition (Co-Ed: J. B. Dixon & S. B. Weed), Soil Science Society of America Madison, Wisconsin, USA, pp. 975–1050 Murray, R. S., C. D. 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Lončarić, 1998: Ishrana bilja, Poljoprivredni fakultet Osijek, pp. 292 Vukelić, J., D. Baričević, 2007: Nomenklaturno-sintaksonomsko određenje Panonskih bukovo-jelovih šuma (Abieti-Fagetum „Pannonicum“) u Hrvatskoj, Nomenclatural-Syntaxonomic determination of Pannonian beech-fir forests (Abieti-Fagetum „Pannonicum“) in Croatia, Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXI, pp. 407–429. Summary Alkali earth metals and alkali metals Ca, Mg, K and Na are a constituent part of the lithosphere rocks and belong among the 8 most abudant elements in the Earth´s crust. They are the results of the weathering of rocks on the surface of the Earth´s crust in the process of pedogenesis. From the aspect of plant nutrition, these elements belong to plant nutrients: K, Ca and Mg belong to macro-elements or essential elements, while Na belongs to beneficial elements. The goal of this research is to establish how the lithological bedrock, or parent material in the area of Medvednica Nature Park affects the Ca, Mg, K and Na content in the soil, and whether their spatial distribution is conditioned by the relief as well as by the lithological bedrock. A total of 181 composite samples were taken in the Medvednica NP forests. Topsoil samples to a 5 cm depth were taken in a regular 1 x 1 km grid. Twenty-eight pedological profiles were opened and evenly distributed to encompass all lithological units. Soil pH values (HRN ISO 10390:2005) were measured in topsoil samples and so was the content of the elements Ca, Mg, K, and Na after extraction with aqua regia (HRN ISO 11466:2004). Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material (HRN ISO 11277:2004), |