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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2015 str. 53 <-- 53 --> PDF |
Western Carpathians (18.0 m average), while the lowest values were registered in populations from Southern Carpathians (17.6 m average). In Avrig trial, the population sourced from an area located closest to the test site (22-Bistra) ranked 14th, while in Câmpina trial the nearest population (19-Azuga) ranked first, suggesting a superior adaptability of this local population to the restrictive environmental conditions existing in the second location (see Table 1). In the two trials established INR, the performance of nearest seed source varied: the local population (12-Gurghiu) ranked 10th in Gurghiu trial, while the nearest seed source towards Breţcu (15-Comandău) ranked 25th. Average volume per tree (AV/T) – Prosječni volumen po stablu (PV/S) The average AV/T of the two ONR trials (0.236 m3) is 5% lower than INR trials (0.250 m3), due to the lowest value registered in Câmpina trial (0.179 m3). On the contrary, in the second ONR trial (Avrig) has been recorded the most active growth out of all testing site (0.293 m3). At the same time, the very large difference (64%) between the two ONR trials should be noted. Significant differences among populations (P>0.001) were found only in Avrig trial (Table 3). Among the top 10 ranking populations in the two ONR trials, five originated from Eastern Carpathians and four from Western Carpathians. In Avrig trial, the population from the area closest to the testing site (22-Bistra) ranked in the middle; in Câmpina trial, the nearest source population (19-Azuga) ranked 2nd, confirming the population’s adaptability to this site already observed and mentioned for TH. Cumulating the data registered in the INR trials, the highest values for AV/T resulted for a seed source originate from Eastern Carpathians (12-Gurghiu; 0.283 m3) and also for two |