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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2015 str. 58 <-- 58 --> PDF |
Pârnuþã. We want to tanks to our colleagues Dan Pepelea, Cãtãlin Cojanu and Gruiþã Ienãºoiu for their help in the field measurements. The authors express their gratitude to two anonymous reviewers for their important contribution in the manuscript improvement. References Literatura Badea, O., 2008: Manual on the methodology for long term monitoring of forest ecosystems status under air pollution and climate change influences. Ed. Silvicã, 98 p., Bucharest. (in Romanian) Blouin, D., J. Beaulieu, G. Daoust, J. Poliquin, 1994: Wood quality of Norway spruce grown in plantations in Quebec. Wood and Fiber Sci 26: 342–353. Bouriaud, O., J.-M. Leban, D. Bert, C. Deleuze, 2005: Intra-annual variations in climate influence growth and wood density of Norway spruce. Tree Physiol 25: 651–660. Enescu, V., L. Ioniþã, 2002: Inter and intrapopulational genetic variation of some genetic resources of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L) Karst.). Ann For Res 45: 67–77. Feurdean, A., I. Tanþãu, S. 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