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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2015 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

HRN EN 14588:2010 – Solid biofuels – Terminology, definitions and descriptions – Čvrsta biogoriva – Nazivlje, definicije i opisi
HRN EN 14961-1:2010 – Solid biofuels – Fuel specifications and classes – Part 1: General requirements – Čvrsta biogoriva – Specifikacije goriva i razredi – 1. dio: Opći zahtjevi.
HRN EN 15234-4:2012 – Fuel quality assurance – Part 4: Wood chips for non-industrial use. Jamstvo kvalitete goriva – 4. dio: Drvna sječka za neindustrijsku uporabu
HRN D. B5. 023 – 1979 – Drvo za ogrjev.
JUS D. B5. 023 – 1955 Drvo za ogrev
JUS D. B5. 023 – 1979 Drvo za ogrev
JUS D. B5. 023 – 1985 Drvo za ogrev
Kajba, D. 2009: Produkcija biomase vrba u kulturama kratkih ophodnji//Willow biomass production in short rotation coppice. U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.20/46, Zagreb.
Klašnja, B., Orlović, S., Z. Galić, 2012: Energetski potencijal nasada topola sa dva razmaka sadnje i dvije dužine ophodnje//Energy potential of poplar plantations in two spacing and two rotations. Šum. List, 136 (3–4): 161–167, Zagreb.
Krpan, A. P. B., Tijardović, M. 2009: Prezentacija projekta: Šumski proizvodi i tehnologije pridobivanja – biopotencijal i energetske značajke amorfe (Amorpha fruticosa L.)//Project: Forest products and harvesting technology – Biopotential and energetic characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.). U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.32/58, Zagreb.
Krpan, A. P. B., Ž. Tomašić, 2009: Amorfa (Amorpha fruticosa L.) – izvor biomase za energiju//Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) – biomass source for energy. U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.18/44, Zagreb.
Krpan A. P. B., Tomašić Ž., P. Bašić Palković, 2011–1: Bioenergetski potencijal amorfe (Amorfa fruticosa L.) // Bioenergetic Potential of Indigobusch (Amorfa fruticosa L.). Zbornik radova 3. međunarodne energetske konferencije: Kako iskoristiti drvnu biomasu za regionalni razvoj i nove ulagačke projekte u gospodarstvo i lokalnu samoupravu u jugoistočnoj Europi. 5. svibnja 2011., Slavonski Brod, str.133–140, Slavonski Brod.
Krpan, A. P. B., Tomašić, Ž., P. Bašić Palković, 2011–2: Biopotencijal amorfe (Amorpha fruticosa L.) – druga godina istraživanja, Šumarski list vol. 135, Posebni broj (2011), Zagreb, Hrvatska, str. 103–113, Zagreb.
Krpan, A. P. B., Tomašić, Ž., I. Stankić, 2014: Istraživanja bioprodukcijskih i energetskih potencijala amorfe (Amorpha fruticosa L.), Šumarski list vol. 138, br. 1–2, Zagreb, Hrvatska, str. 43–54, Zagreb.
Labudović, B., 2012: Osnove primjene biomase. Energetika/Marketing d. o. o. (u. B. Ilijaš), Grafika Hrašće Zagreb, 1–318, Zagreb.
Loibneggar, T., 2011: Smjernice za primjenu normi za goriva iz drvne biomase. Landwirtschaftskammer Steiemark. Izdanje na hrvatskom jeziku – Regionalna energetska agencija Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske, Hrvatske šume d. o. o., Ministarstvo regionalnog razvoja, šumarstva i vodnog gospodarstva (u. V. Šegon, Z. Benković), 1–32, Zagreb.
Marosvölgyi, B., Hájos, A., Zs. Horváth, 2009: Ispitivanje energetske pogodnosti amorfe (Amorpha fruticosa L.) u Mađarskoj//Examinations on energetics utilization of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Hungary. U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.17/43, Zagreb.
At the beginning of 2008, within the scope of the project Forest products and harvesting technology agreed with Croatian Forests Ltd, Zagreb, we have set up a research of biopotential, energetic characteristics and harvesting technology and use of indigobush biomass. From the above mentioned project, in 2012, a separate project Biopotential and energy characteristics of indigobush was transferred to the Academy of forestry sciences. The research ground was established in the pure indigobush stand in the forest management unit of the Posavina Forests, department 126a, Forest Office Sunja, Forest Administration Sisak. Within the block system, four test fields have been established; each with six 5 x 5 m large sub-test plots. (Figure 1)
This paper shows the results of the fourth year of research of indigobush considering its bioproductivity potential with a reference to the prescribed standards, harvesting characteristics and market demands, all which determines its position within the family of renewable resources of wood biomass for energy purposes. The research has encompassed plots 1, 2 and 4, i.e. bioproductivity of indigobush in one-year, two-year and four-year rotations. Within the scope of forest biomass issues, a higher number of HRN EN standards was considered, and a critical review of the terminology related to forest biomass, i.e., hard fuels, a term unscrupulous authors use in their publications.
Data of plots 1 are shown in Figures 3 and 4. In a one-year rotation per hectare, there were 87 200 to 140 400 one-year-old sprouts of indigobush. Mean height of sprouts on plots vary in a narrow range of 16 cm, taking a value of 2.07 m on the test field IV and up to 2.23 m on the test field II. The smallest mean diameter is recorded on the test field II and it amounts to 7.11 mm, while the largest was found on the test field III and it was 7.56 mm. Green indigobush mass on plots 1 ranges between 18.50 kg to 33.00 kg or in the calculation per hectare of the surface, it ranges between 7.40 t/ha and 13.20 t/ha. The difference between the smallest and the biggest value of green mass production on plots 1 is significant and it amounts to 5.80 t/ha. Average bioproduction of the green mass of indigobush on plots 1 in the fourth year of research amounts to 10.15 t/ha. Mean mass of one sprout of indigobush for all four plots is 0.0897 kg.