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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2015 str. 43 <-- 43 --> PDF |
xerothermic steppe flora are present within (Perić, 2010). Regarding the phytogeographical affiliation, the study area belongs to the Pannonian province of the Pannonian-Vlach subregion and the Pontic-Southsiberian floristic-vegetation region (Stevanović et al., 1999). The studied area is located in the wider area of the potential steppe and forest-steppe vegetation (Jovanović et al., 1986). The diversity of the habitats enables high species diversity, hence the variety of rare, endangered or vulnerable animals and plants could be found here. Because of these natural characteristics, Special Nature Reserve Carska bara is recognized as the area of the international importance, so it is included in the list of Ramsar sites, Important bird area (IBA), Important plant area (IPA), Emerald and ASCI area (Hlavati – Širka et al., 2013), which are of the particular importance for the conservation of nature. Vegetation sampling – Uzorkovanje vegetacije The phytosociological investigation of the selected riparian sites with the high presence of the invasive trees in the area of Carska bara (Vojvodina, Serbia) was conducted in the period 2011 – 2013. Thirty two relevés were made according to Braun – Blanquet (1964) methodology. The size of sampling plots was adjusted to the minimum areal size as proposed by Mueller – Dombois & Ellenberg (1974). It varied from 25 to 200 m2 for wild growing forest sites, in average of 112.07 m2. All data were georeferenced using a GPS device eTrex Vista C (Garmin). The plant material was deposited in the Herbarium of the University of Belgrade – BEOU (Theirs, 2014). Data analysis – Analiza podataka After the transformation of Braun – Blanquet combined alpha-numeric scale into a completely numerical scale as proposed by Van der Maarel (1979), the classification of phytocoenological relevés was done. In addition to our own 32 relevés, four relevés of association Sambuco nigrae–Aceretum negundo (from different localities of Austria: Karlhof, Pamhagen, Teichhof, District Neusiedl am See (Exner and Willner, 2004) were also included in the analysis and used for comparison. Relevés were classified using Jaccard (1928) similarity and group average clustering, for further coenological characterization and differentiation. All the analyses were done in PcOrd 6.0 software (Mccune and Mefford, 2011). The names of the newly described associations are harmonized with The International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (Weber et al., 2000), while the nomenclature and EUNIS codification of primary vegetation of riparian habitats is compliant with Davies et al. (2004). In this paper we used the concept of dominant and diagnostic species proposed by Chytrý et al. (2002), Chytrý and Tichý (2003) and Tichý and Chytrý (2006). Fidelity was calculated for two target groups, distinguished in the cluster analysis i.e. those in which two mentioned woody invasive species were highly present. Using the statistical measures of fidelity, we quantified concentrations of species occurrences in groups of classified sites in order to determine diagnostic species (Chytrý et al., 2002). In order to determine dominant species, the coverage index (Ic) was calculated according to Lausi et al. (1982). Species with Phi-coefficient values higher than 0.40 have been considered diagnostic. Species with cover ≥ 25% in a minimum 5% of the relevés for any association have been accepted as dominant. Nomenclature of plant taxa, with a few exceptions, follows the Flora Europaea Database (Tutin et al., 2001). All taxa with authors’ names quoted in the paper are given in the tables (Table 1 and Table 2). |