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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2015 str. 36 <-- 36 --> PDF |
Higher differentiation within populations than between populations, is consistent to previous results for other woody species (Ballian et al. 2005; Bašić et al., 2007; Ballian et al. 2010; Bruce et al. 2010; Ballian et al. 2014; Poljak et al. 2014), that could be considered as a general rule when it comes to forest tree species. This pattern of variability indicates the existence of gene flow between the populations so that each population has similar combination of genotypes (Poljak et al. 2014). In general morphological research should be carried out successfully several years, in different conditions, in order to extract parameters that are highly environmentally influenced from those that are under genetic control. To clearly understand the relationship between and within populations, and to understand the variability within and between populations it would be necessary to do further research of numerous factors that affect the variability of the species, such as genetic, climatic, phytocoenological, pedological and other research which were not the subject of this paper. Conclusions Zaključci Analysis of black poplar morphometric leaf parameters was carried out to determine the morphological variability of leaf parameters on interpopulation and intrapopulation levels. The results indicate that there is considerable variability at both mentioned levels of research. Interpopulation and intrapopulation variability of leaf morphometric parameters is consequence of both genetic and environmental factors. Higher variability was perceived within populations than between populations and with relations to equal environmental conditions of researched populations, it could be concluded that the variability is not induced by environmental factors (climate and soil), but by specific genotype of studied populations. References Literatura Alba, N., C. Maestro, D. Agundez and E. Notivol, 2002: Advances in the preservation of genetic resources in Populus nigra L, In Spain, In: Van Dam, B.C., Bordács, S. (Eds.), Genetic diversity in river population of European black poplar implications for riparian eco-system management, Proceedings of the International Sumposium Held in Szekszard, May 16–20, 2001, Hungary: 125–136. Flush, S., V. Krystufek and K. Burg, 2002: A chlorolast marker system for studying genetic variation in Populus nigra, In: Van Dam, B.C., Bordács, S. (Eds.), Genetic diversity in river population of European black poplar implications for riparian eco-system management, Proceedings of the International Sumposium Held in Szekszard, May 16–20, 2001, Hungary: 33–38. Arens, P., H. Coops, J. Jansen and B. Vosman, 1998: Molecular genetic analysis of Black poplar (Populus nigra L.) along Dutch rivers, Mol. Ecol., Vol. 7: 11–18. Ballian, D. and A. Čabaravdić, 2005: Interpopulation variability of some morphological characteristics of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from central Bosnia, Work.Forester.inst., 40 (1): 5–18. Jastrebarsko Ballian, D., M. Memišić, F. Bogunić, N. Bašić, M. Marković and D. Kajba, (2010): Morphological Variability of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) in the Region of Croatia and Western Balkans, Šum.list, No. 7–8, 371–386. Ballian, D., A. Hajrudinović, J. Franjić, F. Bogunić, 2014: Morphological variability of the leaves of the Macedonian Oak (Quercus trojana Webb.) in Bosnia and Hercegovina and Montenegro, Šum.list, No 3–4: 135–144. Zagreb |