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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2015 str. 47     <-- 47 -->        PDF

of neighbouring trees (53.19 % of the total number of trees in SP1 and 41.84 % in SP2), whereas the smallest share represents damage to the root collar (0.71 % of the total number of trees in SP1 and 6.53 % in SP2).
- During the timber winching the most common type of damage incurred is to the root collar both in the mixed and the pure stands (73.85 % of the total number of trees in SP 1 and 62.79 % in SP2). This is followed by damage to the stem (26.15 % of the total number of trees in SP1 and 37.21 % in SP2), whereas damage to the crown and butt end was not observed.
- At the stage of timber skidding to a roadside landing on a truck road, the largest number of wounds in both cases was to the butt end of trees along the skid trail (72.50 % of the total number of trees in SP1 and 78.46 % in SP2), which was followed by damage to the root collar and the least damage to the stem.
- Damage to the regeneration is evident both in the phase of felling and during transport. In addition, due to a higher density of seedlings, the number of wounds per felled tree, i.e. per winching operation, is significantly higher in the mixed stand than in the pure stand.
- The degree of damage to the stem is significantly influenced by the direction of assortments in relation to the skid trail direction. The largest number of wounds appears in the case of wood assortments that are parallel to the skid trail.
- During tree felling in both the mixed and pure stands, the most common wounds are the ones whose area is greater than 200 cm2, whereas in the phase of transport of wood assortments the most common wound areas range from 50 to 200 cm2.
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