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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2015 str. 56 <-- 56 --> PDF |
Razlog slabog intenziteta zaraze je mala zastupljenost javora u šumskim sastojinama, stablimičan raspored i raspored stabala u malim grupama. Formiranje plodnih tijela peritecija je spor proces (potrebno je 5 do 8 godina od početka infekcije), za otpuštanje askospora iz plodnih tijela potreban je izravan kontakt s vodom tj. kišom, a širenje askospora je na kratku udaljenost, do 25 m. Gljiva E. parasitica detektirana je klasičnom morfološkom fitopatološkom metodom i modernom molekularnom metodom. Molekularna detekcija potvrdila je vrstu gljive E. parasitica. Dvije sekvence ITS2 regije gljive E. parasitica prisutne na zaraženim stablima pohranjene su u gensku banku (GenBank, NCBI) pod pristupnim brojevima KP868619 i KP868620. ZAHVALE Acknowledgements Zahvaljujemo se svim djelatnicima Hrvatskih šuma i šumarskoj inspekciji koji su sudjelovali pri terenskim radovima, kao i Ministarstvu poljoprivrede koje financira Program Posebni nadzor Eutypella parasitica. LITERATURA References Cech, T., 2007: Erstnachweis von Eutypella parasitica in Österreich. Forstschutz Aktuell 40: 10 – 13., Database of fungal names, Doyle, J.J., J.L., Doyle, 1987: A rapid DNA isolation procedure for small quantities of fresh leaf tissue, Phytochem Bull, 19:11-15. EPPO, 2006: Alert list, EPPO RS 2005/176, 2006/143. http://wHYPERLINK "", 2006: Reporting service no. 07-2006, Num. Article 2006/143. Current situation of Eutypella parasitica in Slovenia. EPPO, 2008: Reporting service 2008/028 http://wHYPERLINK " parasitica.doc" parasitica.doc parasitica.doc Hudler, G. W, 1984: Disease of Maple in Eastern North America. Cornell Cooperative Extension Publication. Cornell Tree Pest Leaflet A-13, Johnson, D. W., J.E., Kuntz, 1979: Eutypella canker of maple: Ascospore discharge and dissemination. Phytopathology 69: 130-135. Jurc, D., N., Ogris, B., Slippers, J., Stenlid, 2006: First report o f eutypella canker of Acer pseudoplatanus in Europe. New Disease Reports, http://wHYPERLINK "", R., M., Grabowski, 2015: Eutypella Canker. University of Minnesota. Lachance, D., 1971: Discharge and germination of Eutypella parasitica ascospores. Canadian Journal of Botany 49(7): 1111-1118. Liović, B., 2012: Rak javorove kore (Eutypella parasitica Davidson & Lorenz) u Hrvatskoj. Radovi 44(2): 153-157. Moorman, G.W., 2012: Eutypella canker on maple. Plant disease fact sheet. Penn State Extension, Penn State University College of Agricultural Sciences. Ogris N, D., Jurc, M., Jurc, 2006: Spread risk of Eutypella canker of maple in Europe. EPPO Bulletin 36, 475-485. Ogris N., D., Diminic, B., Piškur, H., Kraigher, 2008: First report of Eutypella parasitica causing cankers on field maple (Acer campestre) in Croatia, New Disease Reports 16, 39. Plant pathology 57 (4): 785-785. Piškur B, N., Ogris, D., Jurc, 2007: Species-specific primers for Eutypella parasitica, the causal agent of Eutypella canker of maple, Plant Disease 91, 1579-1584. Program posebnog nadzora Eutypella parasitica Davidson & Lorenz rak kore javora, 2011., 2012., 2013., 2014., Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, Zagreb White, T. J., T., Bruns, S., Lee, J. W., Taylor, 1990: Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics, PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications, Academic Press, Inc., 315–322. New York, N.Y Summary Fungus Eutypella parasitica is cause of bark canker on on maple trees. The disease reduces the economic and aesthetic value of maple. In Europe, the Eutypella canker was first recorded in Slovenia in 2005. From 2005 to 2008 the disease was listed on the EPPO Alert List because of the danger of contagion. In Croatia, Eutypella canker was recorded for the first time in 2007 on A. campestre near the border with Slovenia. The program Special monitoring of fungus E. parasitica was carried out since 2011 in Croatia. The aim of this study was to determine the status of infection on maples seven years after it was recorded for the first time, spread of the disease and infection intensity in Croatia. The second objective was to confirm the type of fungus using phytopathological and molecular analysis and store the DNA sequence of ITS2 region in GenBank (NCBI). The forest stands that represent maple trees in the area of 8 counties and 17 localities were examined in the period from 2011 to 2014. From a total of 2209 examined trees, only 2 trees of A. pseudoplatanus,and A. campestre, in the vicinity of settlement Hum na Sutli on the Slovenian border, were infected by the fungus, representing |