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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2015 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

of older stands. On the predominated part of the research stands the second commercial thinning was carried out.
The research area openness with cutting and skidding paths for timber harvesting has been adapted to CTL technology. One part of tractor and forwarder skid-roads was built in advance in those places where harvesters were not able to work. In the selected strata of experimental plots for motor-manul method (chainsaw cutting, skidding with a tractor) there was 2,265 m of new marked tractor skidding trails on the area of 16.46 ha. The openness with skidding trails for motor-manual cutting and tractor skidding was 209 m/ha. On two randomly chosen plots for CTL technology there were 5,969 meters of skid trails marked in total.Together with the prior existing infrastructure (roads and skidding trails) there was an average openness of 450 m/ha (Figure 1).
Experiment Design – Plan istraživanja
The studied stand was divided into two experimental treatments, each with two repetitions, where randomly CTL (I and III) and / or MM (II and IV) technology with tractor skidding was used (Figure 1).
Within the stratums, clearly visible numbers were painted on marked trees in advance. For each number (each tree separately), the following characteristics were recorded:
• Tree species,
• Breast-height diameter,
• Stem form (single, forked trees – double trunked trees, multi-trunked trees form),
• Length of the crown (½ tree height, 1/3 tree height, ¼ tree height),
• Average thickness of branches (up to 10cm, between 10 and 15cm, above 15cm),
• Additionally, some specifics of tree (for instance highly bending trunks) were recorded.
The average values of harvested trees by species and DBH dimensions are shown in Table 2.
Altogether, there were 229 trees cut by applying CTL technology with the total volume of 83.33 m3, an average DBH of 19.55 cm and average tree volume of 0.36 m3. Volume structure by tree species for mechanized cutting is shown in Table 3. The cutting intensity (ratio between removed and initial stand volume) was 25.3 % on two CTL cutting