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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2015 str. 33 <-- 33 --> PDF |
individuals from other localities. Ivanščica Mt. is the highest mountain in north-western Croatia, and probably represents the only suitable habitat for this species in the region. Possibly, the species may occur on the nearby Strahinjščica Mt., which is not as high (the highest peak is Strahinjščica, at 847 m a.s.l.). None of the two mentioned mountains has been surveyed in the past, and additional species records are to be expected. It is also possible that these species could be found on some other poorly surveyed mountains in Croatia, especially throughout Gorski Kotar or Mt. Velebit. The presence of Ch. rectangula in Croatia was expected since the species is known from the neighbouring regions (Slovenia, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Fibiger & Skule 2013). Besides Ch. rectangula, on the same locality and date we recorded another congeneric species, Ch. multangula (Fig. 3). Another two records of this species were made on the |