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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2015 str. 49 <-- 49 --> PDF |
MATERIALS AND METHODS Materijali i metoda rada The methodology of this work is divided to: Analysis of park visitor attitudes – Analiza stavova posjetitelja parka In the period from May 1st 2010 to December 31st data were collected on the sites in the park by the method of interviewing visitors. For all three parks the same questionnaires were used. The analysis was done on the level of each park and by comparing the results of this visitor survey among the three parks, which resulted in the basis for continuous research. Analysis of attitudes of park users – Analize stavova korisnika parka This part was implemented with the staff of the parks involved as well as staff of tourism organisations from the respective areas (in following ‘staff’) by direct conversation and the method of interviews with pre-prepared questions (Neuman 2006). The questioned park users in a part of the questionnaire, answered to the same questions as the interviewed visitors. The analysis gave insight in the orientation of values of the decision makers. The results obtained were compared with the results of step 1, what enabled us to draw conclusions and suggestions for future management. Sample of the visitor survey – Veličina uzorka posjetitelja The sample size for each individual park was defined proportionally to the overall number of visitors in 2009, taking into account the minimum number of examinees for every park in order to ensure the reliability and representivity of the gained results. The planned sample size of 720 examinees was completely achieved. Design of the questionnaire – Oblikovanje upitnika For the purpose of this research a semi-structured questionnaire was designed and printed in nine languages (Croatian, English, German, Italian, French, Slovene, Czech, Slovak and Polish), according to the analysis of the visitor structure in earlier years. Semi-structured questionnaires are allowing |