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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2015 str. 53 <-- 53 --> PDF |
14% of the visitors were motivated by watching or investigating specific species of plants or animals in the park, while the lowest motivation was 4% sightseeing of cultural-historical sites and „something else” (2%). The CA analysis (figure 5) shows that the motivation of visitors differs according to the features and the offers in the park. After enjoying natural beauties, the wish to learn about the park and rest and recreation, the visitors of NP Paklenice are more motivated by recreation and education, while the visitors of NaP Telašćica and NaP Vransko jezero by enjoying panoramic trips/sightseeing. The visitors of NaP Vransko jezero are also motivated by visiting cultural-historical sites (as they exist in the park!) The overall connection (c2) between the variable visit motives and the park is 81.5422. The first dimension explains 76,98% of the overall level of connection, while the second explains 23,02%. The stay of all three parks agrees that the primary motive for visitor’s arrival is enjoying the natural beauties. The staff of NP Paklenica recognized the motive – recreation, but not the motive that attracted the visitors by rest and relaxation. The staff of NaP gave preference to recreation instead of enjoying panoramic trips/sightseeing, and the staff of NaP Telašćica torest and relaxation. The key information for the management of the park visit are the way how to visit the park (given by the visiting system within the park) and the activities of visitors during their stay in the park. The mainly used way of visiting the parks was by hiking on marked trails (73%), but in NP Paklenica this is almost 100%. In the NaP Vransko jezero 47% of the visitors use the park by hiking on marked trails and a bit smaller number (46%) by car. In the NaP Telašćica 67% of the visitors use the park by hiking on marked trails, followed by the visit by boat 42% (by organized excursion vessels or own/rented boat). The research showed that the main activity among the examinees was hiking (75%). This is followed by taking photographs of nature (48%), swimming (37%), consummation of food/drinks in objects of the park, consummation of own brought food (19%), mountaineering (17%) and visits to info points or centres (16%). Below 10% the following activities were represented: shopping in shops or souvenir shops, climbing (alpinism), bird watching, biking, shopping |