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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2015 str. 80 <-- 80 --> PDF |
Glavonjić, B., 2013: Wood pellets market in Serbia. Central European Biomass Conference, 15-18 January 2014, Graz, Austria. Available at: Godišnje izvješće za 2012. godinu, 2013: Hrvatske šume društvo s ograničenom odgovornošæu, 1-43., Zagreb. Godišnji energetski pregled, Energija u Hrvatskoj 2012, 2013: Ministarstvo gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 78, Zagreb. Goglia, V., D. Horvat, S. Risović, S. Sever, 1996: Sadašnjost i budućnost korištenja šumske biomase u Hrvatskoj, Šumarski list, 120(3-4), 163-169., Zagreb. Halaj, D., Y. Brodrechtova, 2014: Use of Marketing Tools in the Slovakian Forest Biomass Trade. Croatian journal of forest engineering 35(1): 35–44. Helbig, F., 2014: DKTI (GIZ) Programme „Development of sustainable bioenergy market in Serbia“ Wood Chips in Serbia. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 01.12.2014. 1-66., Beograd. Ignatenko,T., 2013: Pellet market in Ukraine. 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Panoutsou, 2010: Strategic Analysis for the Bioenergy Sector in Western Balkan Countries as well as Moldova and Ukraine. of the 18th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition From Research to Industry and Markets, Lyon, France, 2347–2353 Risović, S., J. Domac, 1999: Stanje korištenja i energetski potencijal biomase iz drvno-prerađivačke industrije u Zagrebačkoj županiji, Šumarski list, 123(9–10): 453–459., Zagreb. Rončević, S., S. Andrašev, P. Ivanišević, B. Kovačević, B. Klašnja, 2013: Biomass production and energy potential of some eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.) Clones in relation to planting spacing, Šumarski list, 137(1–2): 33–42., Zagreb Šafran, B., 2015: Ovisnost mehaničkih svojstava peleta o ulaznim veličinama drvne sirovine, Disertacija, Šumarski fakultet Zagreb. Vincelette, G. A., Z. Bogetic, A. Adugna, 2013: Slow road to recovery. South East Europe regular economic report; no. 5. Washington DC; World Bank Group. World bank statistics, available at:, (accessed on 8th April 2015) Zlatev, V., 2013: Pellet Market in Bulgaria. Central European Biomass Conference, 15-18 January 2014, Graz, Austria. Available at: Summary Through the history of mankind, until the mid-19th century, biomass, particularly wood, represented the most important source of energy. In many countries of Europe, the awareness of the importance of forest biomass as fuel has been closely connected to the general understanding and the realization of own and world energetic situation. Forest biomass represents an important source of energy, whose use should be paid more attention to in the future. In its traditional forms, biomass is still a very significant source of energy in most countries of the southeast Europe and it will continue to be so in the near future. However, it is more and more used not just for thermal energy production, but also for the production of electric and cooling energy which is considered as an important part of the energetic transition which is a promising model with high economic and ecological advantages. The use of biomass energy offers significant possibilities for opening new jobs, thus having a significant positive impact on the local and national economy. This paper describes the present stage of the energetic transition in the south-eastern European countries and the role of forest |