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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2016 str. 13     <-- 13 -->        PDF

Species richness does not correlate with crown transparency (r = –0.100) (Figure 2). ECM species richness seemingly negatively correlates (r = –0.564) with an average number of pycnidia on needle, but it is also not statisticaly significant (p = 0.114) (Figure 3). ECM species richness showed statisticaly significant (p = 0.018), and very strong negative correlation (r = –0.756) in respect to an average crown transparency (Figure 4). Between Shannon index and an average number of pycnidia on needle (Figure 5), there is an indication of very weak positive correlation (r = 0.241), albeit again not statistically significant (p = 0.532). Similar results were obtained for correlation between Shannon index and an average crown transparency which is positive (r = 0.425), but not statistically significant (p = 0.254) (Figure 6). On the other hand, ECM species Shannon index indicated strong negative correlation (r = –0.511; p = 0.160) with respect to an average number of pycnidia, but also not statistically significant (Figure 7). Even weaker correlation, and again not statistically significant (r = –0.325; p = 0.393), was found between ECM species Shannon index and an average crown transparency (Figure 8).
Discussion and Conclusion
Rasprava i zaključak
Ecological and economical losses in Austrian pine plantations caused by Sphaeropsis sapinea keeps preoccupying forest managers and scientists attempting to prevent and minimize its damage. Our study was based on sporocarp sampling which is a very complex method, time consuming