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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2016 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF

number of ECM fungal species, their sporocarps and mycorrhizal root tips (Termorshuizen & Schaffers 1987, 1989; Arnolds 1991; Fellner 1993; Fellner & Pešková 1995; Matočec et al. 2000; Pešková 2005, 2007; Kraigher et al. 2007). Together with loss of mycorrhizal diversity, symptoms of disturbance were visible on many forest tree species, especially conifers. Even though it is believed that fungi play an important role in stability of forest ecosystems and help protect their plant host from physiological stress and pathogen, published results until now did not clearly prove it (Egli 2011). From this point of view, saprobic and ECM macrofungi cannot be generalized as indicators of forest trees health status. To consider them as forest health indicators it is necessary to study more in detail the specific group of macrofungi and their relation towards the different abiotic and biotic factors.
Based on the results of this study, we partly rejected our hypothesis. We concluded that total species richness (S) cannot be used as an indicator of forest susceptibility to S. sapinea disease outbreak due to week or nonexistent correlation with pycnidia and crown transparency (Figure 1 & 2). The same statement can be applied for Shannon index (H) as an indicator of S. sapinea pycnidia (Figure 5). ECM species richness (S’) showed an opposite trend. With its increase to 22 species/plot the number of S. sapinea pycnidia decreases to zero, which is confirmed by the regression model, although not statistically significant (Figure 3). Even more, there is a strong negative and statistically significant correlation between S’ and crown transparency (Figure 4). With 20 species/plot, we can expect the crown transparency to be below 10%. In this case, we can assume the ECM species diversity as a good indicator of Austrian pine plantations health status. Nevertheless, the crown transparency itself does not indicate the presence of S. sapinea and can be used only in the case when the pathogen is confirmed. According to linear regression model, we can expect crown transparency higher than 25% when H is 2.4, and higher than 30% when H is above 3.0 (Figure 6). The correlation between H’ and crown transparency is week and consequently rejected our hypothesis, but there is a strong correlation between H’ and the number of S. sapinea pycnidia. In the case when H’ surpasses 2.4 we can expect the healthy needles without S. sapinea pycnidia presence, which in a part, confirms our assumption. To gain more reliable and precise results, it is recommended to survey additional plots through longer period and to include in research analyses of stand factors like altitude, aspect, precipitations, bedrock and soil type, pH, plant nutrition status and phytocoenological survey. That would enable the development of new methods and models of integrated forest protection in accordance with pronounced changes of ecological conditions of the Austrian pine habitats.
This research was co-founded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport in the frame of projects ‘Forests’ growth and development in changed ecological and management conditions’ (024-0242049-2106) and ‘Biotic agents associated with forest tree decline in Croatian Karst’ (068-0681966-2775), and by the Istria County, Department for Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting, Fisheries and Water Management. We cordially thank Zdenko Tkalčec, Ph.D. and Armin Mešić, Ph.D., Ruđer Bošković Institute, for great help in fungal identification. We thank to the employees of Croatian Forest Research Institute, Center for Forest Ecosystems Goods and Services ‘Josip Ressel’, Josip Čulinović, Anton Brenko and Ana Fornažar, for their help during the collecting and processing of fungal samples. For helping with processing the samples of Sphaeropsis sapinea at Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb, we thank to Marno Milotić, Jelena Kranjec and Leopold Cvetan. We also wish to thank the employees of Croatian Forests L.t.d., Forest office in Labin, for helping us to set up the research plots. For the meteorological data we tank to the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service.
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