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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2016 str. 36     <-- 36 -->        PDF

mushrooms showed that mean levels of investigated metals were considerably higher than in the stipe in all tested mushrooms.
Comparison of heavy metal concentrations between saprophytic and ectomycorrhizal mushroom species – Usporedba koncentracije teških metala između saprofitskih i ektomikoriznih vrsta gljiva
Our data on heavy metals concentrations for different life styles of mushrooms (saprophyte and ectomycorrhizal) are shown in (Table 3). A higher heavy meatl content in saprophytic mushrooms in comparison with ectomycorrhizal species was confirmed for copper (p<0.001). Otherwise specified, higher concentrations of zinc have been observed in the ectomycorrhizal species than in saprophytic ones (p<0,001), while there were no significant differences in iron concentrations among saprophytic and ectomycorrhizal mushroom species (Table 3).
Cluster analysis – Klaster analiza
A dendrogram of hierarchical cluster analysis is shown on (Fig. 8). Cluster analysis based on the accumulation of heavy metals revealed similarity among species belonging to the same genus. In addition to these within-genera similarities, great similarity based on accumulated heavy metals was found between A. campestris and T. portentosum, and between L. deterrimus and T. terreum. However, the former were found to be more diverse to species of the genus Macrolepiota (M. procera).
The concentrations of iron in this study are in agreement with results reported by (Rudawska and Leski 2005 a, b; Borovička and Randa 2007; Isildak et al. 2007; Kalač 2010; Kojta et al. 2011). The highest mean concentration of iron was found in ectomycorrhizal species T. portentosum, which is in accordance with the results of Isildak et al. (2007). However, the ectomycorrhizal species L. deterrimus