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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2016 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

values were almost threefold of the rooting percentage obtained in the control group (37.56%). When other characters were examined, the control group was in the first homogeneous group in terms of all traits. That indicates that hormone applications have positive effects on all traits. The highest values were obtained in 100 ppm IBA, in terms of RB and RT; in 100 ppm GA3 and 100 ppm IBA in terms of RB; and in 100 ppm IAA in terms of RN (Table 1).
To compare the obtained values with classic rooting trials, the rooting values of the cuttings in the solid rooting media were examined. There were significant differences in RP, RN, RB, and RT of species Ficus benjamina L. cuttings (P<0.05). The highest RP (70.51%) was obtained in the perlite; whereas 53.19% and 39.17% of RP were obtained for peat and sand media, respectively. The highest RB and RT values were obtained in the sand medium (Table 2).
There were significant differences among the five groups (IAA, IBA, GA3, NAA, and control) in RP, RN, RB, RA, and RT (P<0.05). The highest RP were obtained in 5000 ppm IAA (80.15%) and 3000 ppm IAA (77.21%) applications. The highest two values in terms of the number of roots were obtained in 3000 ppm NAA (9 pcs) and 5000 ppm NAA (7.7 pcs) applications. While the biggest root length values were obtained in 3000 ppm IBA (51.77 mm), 3000 ppm IAA