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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2016 str. 23     <-- 23 -->        PDF

Ballian, D., B. Jukić, B. Balić, D. Kajba, G. von Wuehlisch, 2015: Fenološka varijabilnost obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) u međunarodnom pokusu provenijencija. Šumarski list, 11-12: 521-533.
Basler, D., C. Korner, 2012: Photoperiod sensitivity of bud burst in 14 temperate forest tree species. Agric. For. Meteorol., 165: 73-81.
Bogdan, S., D. Kajba, J. Franjić, M. Idžojtić, Ž. Škvorc, I. Katičić, 2007: Genetic variation in quantitative traits within and among Croatian narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) populations assessed in an open-pollinated progeny test. Period. Biol., 109: 1-11.
Bogdan, S., 2006: Varijabilnost posavskih populacija poljskog jasena (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) u testovima polusrodnika. Disertacija, Šumarski fakultet Zagreb.
Caffarra, A., A. Donnelly, 2011: The ecological significance of phenology in four different tree species: effects of light and temperature on bud burst. Int. J. Biometeorol., 55: 711-721.
Chuine, I., X. Morin, H. Bugmann, 2010: Warming, photoperiods, and tree phenology. Science, 329: 277-278.
Estiarte, M., G. Puig, J. Penuelas, 2011: Large delay in flowering in continental versus coastal populations of a Mediterranean shrub, Globularia alypum. Int. J. Biometeorol., 55: 855-865.
Franjić, J., K. Sever, S. Bogdan, Ž. Škvorc, D. Krstonošić, I. Alešković, 2011: Fenološka neujednačenost kao ograničavajući čimbenik uspješnoga oprašivanja u klonskim sjemenskim plantažama hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.). Croat. J. For. Eng. (32)1: 141-156.
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Heide, O.M., 2003: High autumn temperature delays spring bud burst in boreal trees, counterbalancing the effect of climatic warming. Tree Physiol., 23: 931-936.
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Ivanković, M., M. Popović, I. Katičić, G. von Wuehlisch, S. Bogdan, 2011: Kvantitativna genetska varijabilnost provenijencija obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) iz jugoistočne Europe. Sumar. list, 135(13): 25-37.
Jelić, M., V. Vučetić, 2011: Utječe li promjena klime na početak cvjetanja jorgovana? Hrvatski meteorološki časopis, 46.
Jochner, S., M. Alves-Eigenheer, A. Menzel, L.P.C. Morellato, 2013a: Using phenology to assess urban heat islands in tropical and temperate regions. Int. J. Climatol., 33: 3141-3151.
Kajba, D., N. Pavičić, S. Bogdan, I. Katičić, 2008: Pomotechnical treatments in the broadleave clonal seed orchard. Lindgren, D. (ur.) Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, 26-28 September 2007, 95-103., Sweden
Körner, C., D. Basler, 2010: Phenology under global warming. Science, 327: 1461-1462.
Kjær, E.D., L.V. McKinney, L.R. Nielsen, L.N. Hansen, J.K. Hansen, 2012: Adaptive potential of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) populations against the novel emerging pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus. Evol Appl., 5: 219-228.
Kremer, A., O. Ronce, J.J. Robledo-Arnuncio, F. Guillaume, G. Bohrer, R. Nathan, J.R. Bridle, R. Gomulkiewicz, E.K. Klein, K. Ritland, 2012: Long-distance gene flow and adaptation of forest trees to rapid climate change. Ecol. Lett., 15(4): 378-392.
Kramer, K., I. Leinonen, D. Loustau, 2000: The importance of phenology for the evaluation of impact of climate change on growth of boreal, temperate and Mediterranean forests ecosystems: an overview. Int. J. Biometeorol., 44: 67-75.
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McKinney, L.V., L.R. Nielsen, J.K. Hansen, E.D. Kjær, 2011: Presence of natural genetic resistance in Fraxinus excelsior (Oleaceae) to Chalara fraxinea (Ascomycota): an emerging infectious disease. Heredity, 106: 788-797.
McKinney, L.V., I.M. Thomsen, E.D. Kjaer, L.R. Nielsen, 2012: Genetic resistance to Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus limits fungal growth and symptom occurrence in Fraxinus excelsior. Forest Pathology, 41 (1): 69-74.
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Peñuelas, J., C. Gordon, L. Llorens, T. Nielsen, A. Tietema, C. Beier, P. Bruna, B. Emmett, M. Estiarte, A. Gorissen, 2004: Nonintrusive field experiments show different plant responses to warming and drought among sites, seasons, and species in a north-south European gradient. Ecosystems, 7: 598-612.
Peñuelas, J., I. Filella, P. Comas, 2002: Changed plant and animal life cycles from 1952 to 2000 in the Mediterranean region. Glob. Chang. Biol., 8: 531-544.
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Pliura, A., V. Lygis, Y. Suchockas, E. Bartevicius., 2011: Performance of twenty-four European excelsior populations in three Lithuanian progeny trials with a special emphasis on resistance to Chalara fraxinea. Baltic Forestry, 17: 17-33.
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