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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2016 str. 60 <-- 60 --> PDF |
When the accuracies were compared with static GNSS surveys in both coordinate components, computation showed differences in Y and X coordinates up to -0.553 and -2.511 m, respectively. Signal attenuation caused by leaves or branches of trees resulted in low accuracy. The results obtained in this study are consistent with Pirti (2008). In addition to this, Pirti et al. (2010) also obtained similar results. Pirti (2010) states that in their study the variations were about 2-5 cm in the X-Y coordinates and about 3-10 cm in the H coordinate. They indicated that there were significant differences in the horizontal and vertical coordinates at difficult points. The results derived from this study show that with an integrated survey methodology within quite short duration of the survey (approx. 15 min.), measurements with ± 10 cm can be guaranteed under similar conditions. 5. CONCLUSIONS Zaključci This paper shows that CORS-RTK (VRS) can be used for forest surveys (obtaining accuracy dm or m level), although a common obstacle, sky blockage, hinders its full effectiveness. However, this problem can be overcome if supplemented by conventional survey techniques. In this study, the CORS-RTK (VRS) required approximately 60 minutes to survey a point (K). The integrated methodology provides accurate coordinate solutions by resection computation method to obtain the coordinates of point (K). The new alternative method of surveying a point took approximately 10-15 minutes in the field. For a point (K under the forest) the horizontal plane coordinates differed up to ± 6 cm. Therefore, it appears that in difficult environments, measurements with ± 10 cm can be guaranteed in all situations by using this new alternative method. 6. REFERENCES Literatura Alkan, R.M., Ocalan, T., 2013: Usability of the GPS Precise Point Positioning Techniques in Marine Applications, Journal of Navigation, 66(4):579-588. Bakula, M., 2013: Study of Reliable Rapid and Ultra rapid Static GNSS Surveying for Determination of the Coordinates of Control Points in Obstructed Conditions, Journal of Surveying Engineering, Volume: 139, Issue: 4, p. 188-193. Brach, M., Zasada, M., 2014: The effect of mounting height on GNSS receiver positioning accuracy in forest conditions, Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Volume: 35, Issue: 2, p. 245-253. Cannon M.E., Lachapelle G., Fortes L.P., and Alves P., Townsend B., 2001: The use of multiple reference station VRS for precise kinematic positioning, Proc of the Japan Institute of Navigation, GPS Symposium 2001, Tokyo, November 14-16, p. 29-37. El-Rabbany, A., 2006: Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning System, Second Edition, Artech House, p. 159-160. Hoffmann-Wellenhof, B., Litchtenegger H. &Wasle E., 2008: GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and More, Vienna: Springer-Verlag. Landau H, Vollath U, Chen X., 2002: Virtual reference station systems, Journal Global Positioning System 1(2):p.137–143. Landau H., U. Vollath, and Chen X., 2003: Virtual Reference Stations versus Broadcast Solutions in Network RTK – Advantages and Limitations, Proceedings of GNSS 2003–The European Navigation Conference, Graz, Austria, April 22-25, 2003. Ocalan, T., Tunalioglu, N., 2010: Data communication for real-time positioning and navigation in global navigation satellite systems (GNSS)/continuously operating reference stations (CORS) networks, Scientific Research and Essays, 5(18):2630-2639. Ocalan, T., Erdogan, B., Tunalioglu, N., 2013: Analysis of Web-Based Online Services for GPS Relative and Precise Point Positioning Techniques, Boletim De Ciencias Geodesicas, 19(2): 191-207. Ocalan, T., 2015: GPS Precise Point Positioning (GPS-PPP) Technique Solutions in GNSS Networks, PhD Thesis, Yildiz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Istanbul-Turkey. Parkinson, B. W.; Spilker, J., 1996: Journal of Global Positioning System: Theory and applications. American Institute of Aeronautics, Vol. 1, 1996, USA, p. 390-392. Pirti A., 2005: Using GPS System near The Forest and Quality Control, Survey Review, 38(298), p. 286-298. Pirti A., 2008: Accuracy Analysis of GPS Positioning Near the Forest Environment, Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 29(2), p. 189-201. Pirti, A., Gümüs K., Erkaya H., Hosbas R. G., 2010: Evaluating the Repeatability of RTK GPS/GLONASS Near/Under the Forest Environment, Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 31(1), p. 23-33. Pirti, A., Yücel, M., & Gümüş, K., 2013: Testing real time kinematic GNSS (GPS and GPS/GLONASS) methods in obstructed and unobstructed sites, Geodetski vestnik, 57(3), p. 498-512. Retscher G., 2002: Accuracy performance of virtual reference station (VRS) networks, Journal of Global Positioning System 1(1):p. 40–47. |