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vrsta udomaćila u drugim zemljama Mediterana, potrebno je nastaviti monitoring. Svrha monitoringa je sprječavanje ili usporavanje širenja ovog štetnika u Hrvatskoj, s ciljem sprječavanja ili smanjenja šteta koje K.vermilio može pričinjati. Literatura References Balachowsky, A. S., 1950: Les cochenilles de France, d’Europe, du nord de l’Afrique et du bassin Méditerranéen, V. Monographie des Coccoidea, classification – Diaspidinae (deuxiene partie) Aspidiotini, Act. Sci. Indust. 1087: 398-557 Ben-Dov, Y., Miller, D.R. & Gibson, G.A.P., 2014: ScaleNet: a database of the scale insects of the world. Available from Borchsenius, N. S., 1960: Fauna of USSR, Homoptera, Kermococcidae, Asterolecaniidae, Lecanidodiaspididae, Aclerdidae, Akademiia nauk SSSR, Zoologicheskii institut (Series), 282 pp., Leningrad Gill, R. J., 1993: The Scale Insects of California, Part II: The Minor Families (Homoptera: Coccoidea) Margarodidae, Orthezidae, Kerriidae, Asterolecanidae, Lecanodiaspididae, Cerococcidae, Aclerididae, Kermesidae, Dactylopiidae, Eriococcidae and Phoenicoccidae, California Department of Food and Agriculture, 241 pp., Sacramento Kaučić, D., 2016: Ekstremi osnovnih meteoroloških elemenata posljednjih deset godina i mogući utjecaj na pojavu i širenje biljnih bolesti i štetnika. Glasilo biljne zaštite ½ dodatak: 15 Kosztarab, M., Kozár, F., 1988: Scale Insects of Central Europe, Series Entomologica, Vol. 41, Akademiai Kiado, 456 pp., Budapest Kozár, F., 1983: New and little known scale insect species from Yugoslavia (Homoptera: Coccoidea), Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 29: 139-149 Kovačević, Ž., 1961: Primjenjena entomologija, II knjiga, Poljoprivredni štetnici, Poljoprivredni nakladni zavod, 99-139., Zagreb Langhoffer, A., 1927: Štetočinje hrasta osim gubara, Glasnik za šumske pokuse, 2, 150-185., Zagreb Langhoffer, A., 1929: Les insectes nuisibles aux arbres fruitiers principalement en Croatie, Slavonie et Dalmatie, XIV-eme Congres International d’agriculture, Bucarest. Lindinger, L., 1912: Die Schildläuse (Coccidae) Europas, Nordafrikas und Vorder-Asiens, einschliesslich der Azoren, der Kanaren und Madeiras, 388 pp., Stuttgart Marotta, S., Ripullone, F. & Tranfaglia, A., 1999: Osservazioni bio-etologiche su Kermes vermilio (Planchon) (Homoptera Coccoidea Kermesidae) dannoso ai lecci in Basilicata. Phytophaga, 9, 63–83. Masten Milek, T., 2007: Fauna štitastih uši (Insecta: Coccoidea) u Republici Hrvatskoj, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, doktorska disertacija / Fauna of scale insects (Insecta: Coccoidea) in the Republic of Croatia, Faculty of Agricuture in Osijek, Doctoral Thesis: 242 pp. Masten Milek, T., Šimala, M., 2007: List of the scale insects (Hemiptera, Coccoidea) of Croatia, International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies, Program and Abstracts, 24th-27th September 2007, 58., Oeiras, Portugal Pellizzari, G., Porcelli, F., Convertini, S., Marotta, S., 2012: Description of nymphal instars and adult female of Kermes vermilio Planchon (Hemiptera, Coccoidea, Kermesidae), with a synopsis of the European and Mediterranean species, Zootaxa 3336, Magnolia Press: 36 – 50 Schmidt, L., 1955: Prilog fauni štitastih ušiju Hrvatske s obzirom na njihove biljke hraniteljice, Biološki glasnik, 8: 77-88 Schmidt, L., 1956: Štitaste uši Hrvatske, Zaštita bilja, 36: 5-11 Schmidt, L., 1973: Štitaste i lisne uši na ukrasnom bilju Opatije i Rijeke, Poljoprivredna znanstvena smotra, 30 (40): 439-453 Žak-Ogaza, B., 1967: Materials to the knoledge of the scale insects fauna of Yugoslavia (Homoptera, Coccoidea), Acta Zool. Cracov., 9: 211-218 Summary Check-list of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) on host plants of genus Quercus L. comprises all available literature data on faunistic research of scale insects in Croatia, as well as data from the research conducted from 2005 to 2014. Published data on former faunistic research from the following authors have been used: Balachowsky (1950), Kovačević (1961), Kozár (1983), Langhoffer (1927, 1929), Lindinger (1912), Schmidt (1956, 1973) and Žak-Ogaza (1967). Each listed species was matched with a corresponding name, according to current systematics (Ben Dov et al., 2014). Following materials and methods were used in conducted research: visual inspections, collecting of plant material, storing and preservation of samples, analysis of samples under stereomicroscope, preparation of microscopic slides and identification of species. Samples were collected according to the method by Gill (1993). Analysis of collected samples was done under ZEISS Discovery V12 stereomicroscope with appurtenant AxioCam ERc5s digital camera. 70% ethyl alcohol, potassium hydroxide, lactic acid, fuchsine acid, lignin pink, acetic acid and clove oil were used in processing of scale insects’ samples. Permanent microscopic slides (photo 2) were prepared using clove oil, accordingly to Kosztarab & Kozár, 1988 and Gill, 1993. Identification of scale insect species was conducted using identification keys by Balachowsky, 1950, Borchsenius, 1960, Gill, 1993 and Pellizzari et al., 2012, compound microscope OLYMPUS BX 51 (with 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x and 100x magnification lens and 10x magnification ocular) and |