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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2016 str. 74     <-- 74 -->        PDF

Research into in vitro cultures of noble forest tree species has since the very beginning been aimed at exploring the possibility of clonal propagation of mature, elite genotypes and the production of plants with their own roots. Rooting and acclimatisation stages in the species Juglans nigra L., Quercus rubra L. and Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. are reported to be the limiting factors of micropropagation production (Pijut et al. 2007).
The micropropagated individuals obtained in this research have characteristics that are comparable to both German (Vornam and Gebhardt 1999) micropropagated plants and French clones presented by Santi et al. (1998). Compared to the plants obtained from seed, the in vitro plants showed an improved root system with more than three roots per plant. Their quality can be corrected with in vitro treatments (Gebhardt 1985; Meier-Dinkel 1986).
Selected adult plus trees of wild cherry from a clonal seed orchard were successfully propagated in vitro and optimize routine micropropagation methods at all stages were explored. Several techniques were established that allow the introduction of the initial culture throughout the year. The specific composition of culture media and the unique combination of growth regulators were determined in all in vitro production stages, leading to the growth of high-quality plants with very good survival during the acclimatization process. The rooted plantlets of wild cherry developed normal internodes and leaf blades, and the roots were well formed with 3 to 7 roots per plant, whose length increased the longer they remained in the culture medium. The micropropagated selected plus trees manifested strong apical dominance and the majority of the young plants reached a height of over one metre in the period of seven months.
Al-Sabbagh, M., A. Abdul-Kader, M. Khoder, A.R. Kalhout, 1999: In vitro propagation of semi-dwarfing cherry rootstock, Plant Cell Tiss Org, 59: 203-208.
Brainerd, K.E., L.H. Fuchigami, 1981: Acclimatization of aseptically cultured apple plants to low relative humidity, J Am Soc Hortic Sci, 106: 515-510.
Chikh, M., 2000: Etude de la multiplication du merisier (Prunus avium L.) par semis après levée de dormance et par micropropagation à partir de drageons, MSc Thesis, ENSA (Ex. INA) Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique.
Cornu, D., 1990: Apport des techniques de culture in vitro dans les programmes d’amelioration de certaines especes forestieres. In: (eds.), Cinquantenaire de la culture in vitro, Versailles (FR), Les colloques de l’INRA 51 Ed. INRA, Paris.
Debergh, P.C., L.J. Maene, 1981: A scheme for commercial propagation of ornamental plants by tissue culture, Sci Hortic-Amsterdam, 14: 335-345.
Dolcet-Sanjuan, R., E. Claveria, R. Gruselle, A. Meier-Dinkel, C. Jay-Allemand, T. Gaspar, 2004: Practical factors controlling in vitro adventitious root formation from walnut shoot microcuttings, J Am Soc Hortic Sci, 129: 198-203.
Douglas, G. C., 1999: Advanced and conventional methods for vegetative propagation of selected lines of oak and cherry, Kinsealy Research Centre Horticulture and Farm Forestry Series, No. 8., Dublin.
Druart, P., P. Boxus, O. Liard, B. Delaite, 1981: La micropropagation du merisier à partir de la culture de méristème. In: (eds.) Proceedings of Colloque intern. sur la culture in vitro des essences forestières, IUFRO Section S2 01 5 meeting, 31 August-4 September 1981, 101-108 pp., Fontainebleau, France.
Druart, P., 1992: In vitro culture and micropropagation of plum (Prunus sp.), Biotechnol Agric For, 18: 280-203.
Ïurkoviè, J., 2006: Rapid micropropagation of mature wild cherry, Biol Plantarum, 50: 733-736.
Fotopoulos, S., T.E. Sotiropoulos, 2005: In vitro rooting of PR 204/84 rootstock (Prunus persica × P. amygdalus) as influenced by mineral concentration of the culture medium and exposure to darkness for a period, Agron Res, 3: 3-8.
Fidanci, A., M. Burak, B. Erenoglu, M. E. Akçay, 2008: Determination of in vitro propagation techniques for some clonal cherry rootstocks, Acta Hortic, 795: 409-412.
Garin, E., E. Grenier, G. Grenier-De March, 1997: Somatic embryogenesis in wild cherry (Prunus avium), Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult, 48: 83-91.
Gebhardt, K., 1985: Self rooted sour cherries in vitro: Auxin effects on rooting and isoperoxidases, Acta Hortic, 169: 341-349.
Grant, N.J., N. Hammatt, 1999: Increased root and shoot production during micropropagation of cherry and apple rootstocks: Effect of subculture frequency, Tree Physiol, 19: 899-903.
Grant, N.J., N. Hammatt, 2000: Adventitious shoot development from wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) leaves, New Forest, 20: 287-295.
Gruselle, R., C. Nicaise, P. Boxus, 1995: Regulation of in vitro shoot multiplication in Persian walnut by different carbon sources and by ammonium phosphate, Bull Rech Agron Gembloux, 30: 47–53.
Hammatt, N., N.J. Grant, 1997: Micropropagation of mature British wild cherry, Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult, 47: 103–110.
Hammatt, N., 1999: Delayed flowering and reduced branching in micropropagated mature wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) compared with rooted cuttings and seedlings, Plant Cell Rep, 18: 478–484.
Hammerschlag, F. A., R. Scorza, 1991: Field performance of micropropagated, own-rooted peach trees, J Am Soc Hortic Sci, 116: 1089–1091.
Harrington, F.; G.C. Douglas, J. McNamara, 1994: Production of root suckers by mature clones of Prunus avium: Efficiency of root suckers and crown buds for culture initiation, Adv Hortic Sci, 8:11–14.
Hazarika, B.N., 2003: Acclimatization of tissue-cultured plants, Current Sciences, 85: 1704-1712.