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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2016 str. 58     <-- 58 -->        PDF

There is no significant difference in selectivity of compared traps to predators. The dry pheromone traps catch less individuals of T. formicarius L. and more individuals of N. elongatum compared to wet traps. It had been observed the escape possibility of T. formicarius from dry traps. During the analysis of some samples just the eaten bark beetles had been found in dry traps, and there wasn’t any Thanasimus specimens. N. elongatum couldn’t escape from dry traps, and there was some reduction of caught six tooth bark beetles in dry pheromone traps by this predator.
The results support the use of both type of traps in monitoring of spruce bark beetle species. Although, dry trap setting in the field, collecting and analyzing of dry catches is much easier.
Key words: monitoring, Thansimus, Nemozoma