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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2016 str. 72 <-- 72 --> PDF |
there is a sufficient number of benches in the shade within the park area. The average scores lower than the overall average score for the amenity of the area were given by the respondents assessing the convenience of the benches in the park. The analysis of the respondents’ attitudes in relation to individual questions, which assess the amenity of the area, showed that the highest scores were given by the respondents when evaluating the convenience of walking trails (4.43) and the first impressions they get of the park (4.39). The respondents’ attitudes towards the amenity of the park are affected by their perception of vegetation, as the most important feature of the park. The respondents evaluated the existing vegetation in the park, and answered the question of whether, in their opinion, the park has plenty of trees, shrubs, flower gardens and grass areas. Comfort and image reflect the sensorial values that are acquired by people after experiencing places. Factors such as a good first impression of the park, the use of appropriate materials, activity areas’ complying with the standards the presence of sufficient and ergonomic seating, use of water, shelter against bad weather, presence of park management etc. affect the quality of the park (PPS, 2005; Ter, 2011). Quality of one accessory element effective in making a place liveable is accepted to influence the quality of the whole related elements. Participants were asked their opinions of the quality of landscaping elements of the park and acpording to ten asked questions we have got total average score for the amenity of the area. The respondents rated their satisfaction with the existing vegetation with a score of 4.04, but in relation to the question of whether the park has plenty of trees, shrubs, flower gardens and grass areas 36% of the respondents believe that the park needs more trees. 24% of the respondents believe that the park does not have enough shrubs, and 14% of them are of the opinion that there are not enough flower gardens. The research of different types of activities and needs of the park visitors also includes taking into consideration the conflicts that arise when the vistiors’ needs are not met or when groups of visitors use the same space but in different ways. Some conflicts are common and unavoidable in public areas, but many can be reduced or eliminated by appropriate design and management (Francis, 2003; Carmona et al., 2003). With regard to user activities in Tašmajdan Park, which are conditioned by their different needs and interests, the existence of conflict with other visitors to the park affects the attitude of the respondents towards the amenity of the area. The percentage of the respondents who had a conflict with other users of the park is 9. The conflict between the users who walk their pets and other users of the park was experienced by 6% of the respondents while 3% put an emphasis on the conflict between teenagers and other users of the park. Sociability Društvenost In order to agree that an urban park is of high quality, it is necessary to determine to what extent this park provides the opportunity for sociality for which it was designed. Therefore, in order to determine the role of the study area in socialization, the questionnaire investigated visitor group structure; it was found that 77% of participants always come to park with friends, while 35% stated that they come with their families. Furthermore, we found that half of the respondents (51%) sometimes talk to other park users, 21% of the respondents often engage in conversations with other park users, while 28% of the respondents do not talk to other park users. The score (3.22), given by the respondents following the question of whether the park benches are positioned in a way which makes it possible for more people to sit and talk, |