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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2016 str. 77 <-- 77 --> PDF |
THE PROCESS OF SILVICULTURE PLANNING IN TURKEY: HSAR CASE STUDY PRIPREMA PLANA UZGAJANJA ŠUMA U TURSKOJ: SAŽETAK PRIMJERA UPRAVNOG ODJELA HISAR ŠUME Hac Ahmet YOLASIGˇMAZ, Snan GÜNER Summary Forestry resources are managed by long, middle and short term national, regional and local scale plans, programs and special arrangements to consider international and national purposes. The smallest administrative and planning units of forest area in Turkey are the Forest Administration Chief Offices. Planning units are managed by forest management plans prepared in accordance with Ecosystem-based Multiple Use Forest Management principles. The application steps of forest management plans are the silvicultural plans. Although the preparation of silviculture plans in the last five-year period in Turkey is included in the planning process as a legal challenge, a definite standard cannot be formed in the preparation and application of the silviculture plans. In this article, silvicultural plan of Hisar Administration Chief Office selected as the pilot area in order to find solutions to the specified problems were prepared. The process of preparing silviculture plan has been introduced comprehensively. The process begins after the completion of forest management plans. Silviculture plan preparation process, the measurement and evaluation on the forest land, geographical database design, the preparation of silvicultural treatment prescriptions, the production of output such as table, graph and maps, and application, monitoring and evaluation are composed of stages. Key words: Forest management plan, silviculture plan, geographic information systems, Pinus sylvestris. INTRODUCTION UVOD The forest areas in the world either decrease or are destructed structurally due to the reasons such as opening fields for agriculture and settlement, the construction of roads and energy lines, illegal cuts and wrong forestry applications. Many plant and animal species living in these areas are disappearing or they face extinction. Human population and demands are increasing and diversifying day by day. According to FAO (2015), forest areas in the world is 3,99 billion hectares and it cover 30,6% of world’s land. Since 1990, there has been a decrease nearly as much as six times (129 million ha) of all forest area in Turkey. Due to specified reasons, making use of forest areas are discussed in the international arena and it is evaluated in the global scale with many conventions primarily with Convention on Biodiversity. The sustainable management of the forest resources is shaped according to the criterion and indicators determined by each country in accordance with the forestry philosophy. Every country has formed the required legal legislation, technical and administrative sub-structure (Yolasığmaz, 2013). There are policies supporting the sustainable forest management in 148 countries in the world and there is forestry legislation depending on these laws in 145 countries. 39% of forest areas (2,1 billion ha) is managed with forest management plans (FAO, 2010; FAO, 2015; GDF, 2014a). |