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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2016 str. 80 <-- 80 --> PDF |
area of the planning unit is 49848,02 hectares; 32757 hectares of this area consist of forest; and 17091 hectares of it consist of non-forest area. In planning unit consisting of 2813 sub-compartments, 771 compartments, 21 different stand types were determined for forest areas. It is foreseen that 30,93% of the study area is planned to be made use of for economic purposes, 53,54% is planned to be used for ecologic purposes, and the remaining 15,53% is planned to be used for socio-cultural purposes (Table 1). According to meteorological data, the average temperature is 9,8°C and the annual rainfall is 393,3 mm. 21 settlement units (districts) within planning unit and there are 4919 people in the region (TSIE, 2015). There is Oltu in the south of the plan unit and Olur district centers in the north. Due to the topography with high slope and hard winter conditions, in the region where life conditions are hard, the migration from the village to the city has been continuing (GDF, 2015). In the fields subjected to the industrial wood production, Pinus sylvestris are dominant. In the degraded forests, the dominant tree species is again Pinus sylvestris. While Juniperus communis and Quercus pedinculata are included in the mixture in these areas, there are also pure degraded Juniperus communis stands. Although there is no comprehensive plant sociology study in the study area, 9 plant species including 4 different tree species such as Platanus orientalis, Acer sp., that do not constitute stands on its own and that join in the mixture separately or as groups, and 4 different shrubs and bush species besides the original tree species were included in the forest management plans. The endemic species recorded in the region are: Allium incisum, Allium oltense, Astragalus acmophylloides, Astragalus nigrocalycinus, Astragalus oltensis, Bupleurum schistosum, Campanula sorgerae, Centaure ataochia, Delphinium munzianum, Draba narmanensis, Elymus sosnowskyi, Hieracium caloprasinum, Hieracium hypopityforme, Hieracium onosmaceum, Hieracium variegatisquamum (Eken et al., 2006). Among these species, the endangered ones with narrow spread are the following 3 species: Astragalus nigrocalycinus (CR[7]), Centaurea antiochia (EN) and Delphinium munzianum (CR). In addition, the medical and aromatic use of 241 vascular plant taxons belonging to 66 families and 170 species have been defined (Önal, 2012). 35 different bird species have been observed in the study area, and it is expressed that the area is one of the important habitats of Capra aegagrus and Ursus arctos (Okutucu, 2007). In addition, there are thirteen different fish species living in the existing streams (Kuru, 1971, 1975; Aras, 1974 and Solak, 1977, GDF, 2015). Material Materijal The forest management plan data of 2015, the geographical database, and the soil analyses in the area and the evaluations made during the inventory and observations have been used in the study. The forest management plan was prepared according to the forest inventory that was made during summer season of the year 2014. In order to prepare silviculture plan, the measurements and examinations were made in the area both in 2014 and in 2015 summer seasons. These examinations were intended to determine the ecological conditions in the areas where reforestation and regeneration areas would be made, to define the actual stand structures, and record the abundant seed year. ARC/GIS 10.0 (Arc/Info license level) software and modules were made use of in the design of the geographical database by handling again, data entry, data analysis and the derivation of the new data and maps; and MS Office 2010 was made use of in the prepared processes of data analysis, table and graphs. Methods Metode Database design – Baza podataka; in silviculture plan database prepared using GIS, forest management plan database has been used. The data about compartment, |