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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2016 str. 87     <-- 87 -->        PDF

from the moderate low cutting and heavy low cutting; it is taken from the removal cutting and light cutting in the regeneration areas.
Silviculture plan is the application step of the forest management plan and it is a part of it. After forest management plans were prepared in Turkey, forest inventory is made again for the preparation of the silviculture plans, and the silviculture plans are prepared by being adhered to the reforestation, regeneration and tending fields given allowable cut amount in the forest management plan in general sense. The practitioners of these plans, in other words the forest administration chief officer must prepare the silviculture plan in accordance with the relevant legislation. In the preparation of the silviculture plans, classical database structure has been used up to now, digital geographical baselines have not been prepared and used. They have been prepared by the common viewpoint of the Hisar Planning Unit silviculture plan, forest management and silviculture disciplines. In the silviculture plan, spatial database has been designed again with additional arrangements based on the treatment areas included in the forest management plan and the relevant geographical database. For each silvicultural treatment area (sub-compartment), silvicultural treatment recipes have been prepared according to the silvicultural treatment. By producing the cutting plan map that is the final output or in other words, the silviculture plan map, it has been submitted to the service of the users.
By using analysis, interrogation and presentation features presented by the geographical information systems, the general evaluations such as silvicultural treatment methods to be applied in the research area, the distributions of them due to years and treatment times have been presented as the outputs of this research. In addition to these outputs, many analyses depending on the stand parameters such as detailed silviculture plan tables, development stage, age, bonitet classes and the other outputs such as the treatment areas for five different treatments and the maps of the application years are produced and presented.
Silviculture plan has been prepared for the forests in the vicinity of Oltu consisting of pure Pinus sylvestris stands where only one species is dominant and especially for Hisar Forest Planning Unit. Due to the geographical structure of Turkey, there are different tree species, different species compositions and different forestry problems in different geographical areas. In these areas, the number of the silvicultural treatments, the years and the allowable cuts to be taken will vary. Therefore, by making similar studies in other forest areas in our country, it is required to prepare silviculture plans and to design the database for each forest planning unit.
We thank to ANÇEO, Anatolian Environment Forestry Cartography INC. CO., General Directorate of Forestry and Artvin Çoruh University, Faculty of Forestry that have given all kinds of support in the preparation of both the silviculture plan and the forest management plan and obtaining the data.
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