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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2016 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

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This paper compares the viability of freshly collected and delayed germination seeds of Narrow-leaved ash as one of the main tree species in lowland forests of Posavina. This tree species is of particular interest to us due to its growth rate, short rotation as compared to that of common oak, as well as the technical value of wood. The seeds of the genus Fraxinus spp. often have a pericarp, which is impermeable to oxygen, metabolic inhibitors in the endosperm and embryos, immature embryos or lack of substances that promote embryo growth. Seed dormancy is usually eliminated with warm-wet and cold-wet process. The seeds were collected in the Josip Kozarac forest management unit, managed by the forest office Lipovljani. The viabiliy of the seeds that were collected earliest (21 August) was estimated using the topographical tetrazole method in