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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2016 str. 19 <-- 19 --> PDF |
COMPARISON OF PHORETIC MITES ASSOCIATED WITH BARK BEETLES Ips typographus AND Ips cembrae FROM CENTRAL CROATIA USPOREDBA FORETIČKIH GRINJA NA POTKORNJACIMA Ips typographus I Ips cembrae U SREDIŠNJOJ HRVATSKOJ Stefan F. WIRTH, Olivia WEIS, Milan PERNEK Summary In different locations of Croatia (Nova Gradiška, Koprivnica, Gospić and Jastrebarsko) adults and developmental stages of Ips cembrae, the large larch bark beetle, and Ips typographus, the European spruce bark beetle, were collected from Picea abies, Larix decidua und Pinus sylvestris together with substrate from their breeding galleries and examined for phoretic mites. Four different mite species were identified by collecting specimens directly from the beetles: Iponemus gaebleri (Tarsenomidae), Histiostoma piceae (Astigmata, Histiostomatoidea), Dendrolaelaps quadrisetus (Gamasina) and Urobovella sp. (Uropodidae). I. gaebleri was the most abundant mite on both beetle species. Three other mite species have been collected directly from bark beetle galleries.We also studied the attachment-areas of phoretic mites on their beetle carriers. I gaebleri and D. quadrisetus preferred the elytral declivity, while the phoretic deutonymphs of the Histiostomatidae commonly were found on the ventral side of the thorax. We discovered statistically significant differences concerning the total of attached mites and a clear preference of I. gaebleri for I. cembrae. Young callow adults of Ips cembrae, emerging from their maternal galleries carried significantly more phoretic mites than parental beetles, which were picked out of their breeding galleries. Females of an another species of genus Histiostoma were found in galleries of I. typographus. They all were largely covered by great numbers of two-chamber spores of a fungus belonging to the Ascomycota (Hypocreales). A dichotomous key to identify larvae and protonymphs of the Histiostomatidae is provided. KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae, Tarsenomidae, Histiostomatidae, Acari, Iponemus gaebleri, Histiostoma piceae, Bonomoia pini, Croatia, key to larvae and protonymphs of Histiostomatidae INTRODUCTION UVOD Galleries of bark beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) are well known for their remarkable biodiversity of mites (e.g. (Scheucher 1957; Lindquist 1969). Some specialized phoretic species of Gamasina, Trombidiformes, Oribatida and Astigmata are phoretically carried by bark beetles or other inhabitants of bark beetle galleries. Free living instars are often found inside the gallery substrates (Pernek et al. 2012). |