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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2016 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF

Inside the galleries additionally Histiostoma sp. (Histiostomatidae, Fig. 6 E) and two oribatid speciemens of the genus Neoliodes sp. (Fig. 6 D) could be collected. Neolides sp. was more exactly collected from an area, in which smaller bark beetles of Pityogenes sp. had connected their tiny gallery system with the one of I. typographus.
Being attached to Ips cembrae the tarsenomid mite Iponemus gaebleri was statisticallly significantly most abundant in relation to the gamasid species Dendrolaelaps quadrisetus and the astigmatid species Histiostoma piceae.
Over 90 % of the beetle specimens, which had left the wooden blocks inside the climate room, were covered with I. gaebleri and deutonymphs of H.piceae (table 2).
Inside the galleries of I. cembrae, some single males of Bonomoia pini (Histiostomatidae) were discovered.
2) Distribution of phoretic mites on I. typographus and I. cembrae
In both beetle species, I. typographus and I. cembrae, the significantly greatest number of I. gaebleri individuals was located inside the elytral declivity (Table 4, Fig. 2, Fig. 3) posteriorly of the abdomen. In I. typographus 412 out of 416 Iponemus gaebleri specimens were found inside the elytral declivity, while in Ips cembrae 4140 von 4465 attached this area of the beetle body. The phoretic deutonymphs of Histiostoma piceae however only rarely preferred this declivity, but principally were instead sitting around the ventral thorax. H. piceae was only found phoretically attached to I. cembrae. Despite its abundance inside the galleries of I. typographus, their deutonymphs could not be descovered on these beetles themselves.
The uropodid mite Urobovella sp. was only a single discovery (Fig.6, table 3). Thus there is also no meaningful result concerning the preferred position on the beetle’s body.
The significantly greatest number of I. gaebleri individuals preferred the elytral declivities in both bark beetle species. Also the gamasid D. quadrisetus was significantly most often found in these areas of I. cembrae. It was observed that the gamasid did not avoid specimens of I. gaebleri sitting in the same area oft the beetle’s body. Instead they were found attaching themselves on top of the tarsenomid mites specimens, which were