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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2016 str. 23     <-- 23 -->        PDF

sitting attached to the beetle’s cuticle one directly besides the other. The arrangement of I. gaebleri specimens reminded to roofing tiles. While I. gaebleri attached themselves in close contact to the carrier’s surface, Dendrolaelaps retained in a loose contact to its base consisting of I. gaebleri specimens. The gamasids did not rest in the same positions, but were observed changing their places regularly. Histiostoma piceae however preferred attaching thorax and abdomen in significantly great numbers. In these areas they were found sitting dorsally as well as different ventral areas. In our statistical analysis, we summarized histiostomatid numbers on ventral and dorsal body parts, although ventral areas seemed slightly to be favored. But due to not enough numbers, we did not try to analyse this by statistical tests (table 4).
When summarizing all mite numbers on both types of samples of I cembrae, then there is no significant difference visible. Parent beetles inside their new galleries have as much phoretic mites as young beetles, which had recently left the galleries, in which they had developed. In both groups of samples, about 92 % of all mites preferred attaching the elytral declivity (Fig. 2). The preference for this beetle area as field of mite attachment is even clearer visible in the samples of I. typographus, where almost 100 percent of mites were found inside the declivity (Fig. 2).
When summarizing the two types of I. cembrae samples into one set of data, but differing the mite taxa from each other, then it became visible that Iponemus gaebleri and Dendrolaelaps quadrisetus significantly preferred attaching to the elytral declivity, while Histiostoma piceae could significantly most often been found sitting on the thorax area (Fig. 3).
We furthermore compared the numbers of specimens of the different mite groups per samples of beetle groups, and it became obvious that in all three beetle samples Iponemus gaebleri was statistically most abundant (Fig. 4). Only in the samples with mother beetles collected out of their galleries, the mite Dendrolaelaps quadrisetus (Gamasina) was with 3.7 % versus 96.1 (I. gaebleri) statistically noticeable (Fig. 4).
3) numbers of mites of three taxa in comparison with each other
When summarizing the two types of I. cembrae samples, it came out that neither the sample „I. cembrae total“ nor the sample „I. typographus“ had a normal distribution of mites.