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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2016 str. 29 <-- 29 --> PDF |
communication, W. Magowski) and the fact that Histiostoma sp. carried large numbers of fungus spores. Both factors might harm the productivity of Ips typographus and I. cembrae. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ZAHVALE We thank A. Garonna (Universita’ degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) for his useful critcal comments to our manuscript. S. Wirth also thanks B. OConnor (university of Michigan, USA) for helpful general discussions about Histiostoma piceae. The latter author and O. Weis are grateful tot he Croatian Forestry Research Institute in Jastrebarsko (central Croatia) for being hosted in in 2012. The authors wish additionally to thank Anamarija Popovic and Željko Kauzlarić, Delnice, Hrvatske šume d.o.o., Croatia, for their help in beetle sampling. S. Wirth and O. Weis are grateful to N. Lacković for guiding them to bark beetle areas. This work was part of the DAAD project „PPP Kroatien Kennziffer 56266353”. We are grateful to R. A. Norton (ESF, New York, USA) for his determination of Neoliodes sp. on that genus level and W. Magowski (Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza in Poznan, Poland) for his identification of Iponemus gaebleri and his informations about the biology of this mite. The present research was supported in part (research about the morphology of juvenile stages oft he Histiostomatidae)by the grant from the Russian Science Foundation tot he Tyumen State University, No. RSF 16-14-10109 with the title „Mites associated with bark beetles of main forest-forming coniferous trees of Western Siberia“. The grant covered extensive collecting of mites in Siberia and the Far East of Russia and rearing them in the laboratory conditions in Tyumen. In memory to J. C. Moser, who was an excellent mentor to S. Wirth and M. Pernek and who died on 26 August 2015. He was an important precursor for the studies of mite-bark beele-associations. REFERENCES LITERATURA Boss, G. D., T. O. Thacher, 1970: Mites associated with Ips and Dendroctonus in southern Rocky Mountains: with special reference to Iponemus truncatus (Acarina: Tarsonemidae). Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1-7, Fort Collins. Griffiths D. A., W. T. Atyeo, R. A. Norton, C. A. Lynch, 1990: The idiosomal chaetotaxy of astigmatid mites. J of Zool, 220:1–32, Annapolis. Kinn D.N., 1984: Life Cycle of Dendrolaelaps neodisetus (Mesostigmata: Digamasellidae), a Nematophagous Mite Associated with Pine Bark Beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Environ Entomol, 13(4):1141-1144, Annapolis. Koller L., S. Wirth, G. Raspotnig, 2012: Geranial-rich oil gland secretions: a common phenomenon in the Histiostomatidae (Acari, Astigmata)?. Int J o Acarol, 38(5):420-426. Lindquist E. E., 1969: Mites and regulations of bark beetle populations. U: Akademiai Kiado, Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Acarology, Publishing house of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 389–399, Budapest. Moser, J. C. 1975. Mite predators of the southern pine beetle. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 68: 1113-1116. Moser J. C., 1995: Mites associated with forest insects. Willamette Institute for Biological Control, Inc., Monroe, OR. Norton R., 1980: Observations on phoresy by Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatei). Int J Acarol, 6(2):121-130. Penttinen R., H. Viiri, J.C. Moser, 2013: The mites (Acari) associated with bark beetles in the Koli National Park in Finland. Acarologia, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, 53(1): 3–15, Montpellier. Pernek, M, B. Hrasovec, D. Matosevic, I. Pilas, T. Kirisits, J.C. Moser, 2008: Phoretic mites of three bark beetles (Pityokteines spp.) on Silver Fir. J. Pest. Sci., 81: 35–42. Pernek M., S. Wirth, S. R. Blomquist, D. N. Avtzis, J. C. Moser, 2012: New associations of phoretic mites on Pityokteines curvidens (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae). Cent Eur J Biol, 7(1): 63–68. Scheucher R., 1957: Systematik und Okologie der deutschen Anoetinen. Beitrage zur Systematik und Okologie mitteleuropaischer Acarina, 1: 233–384. Stauffer C., F. Lakatos, G. M. Hewitt, 1997: The phylogenetic relationships of seven European Ips (Scolytidae, Ipinae) species. Insect Mol Biol, Royal Entomological Society, 6(3): 233-240, St Albans. Wirth, S., 2004: Phylogeny, Morphology and habitats of the Histiostomatidae (Astigmata). Proceedings of the V Symposium of |