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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2016 str. 36 <-- 36 --> PDF |
enough for all yarding operations. Melemez (2014) mentioned that if the corridors are narrower than 5 m, carriage may damage nearby standing trees. In this study, the mounting time of the skyline yarder was 6 hours, while the dismantling time was 4 hours. Mounting operations are dependent on workers experience, terrain conditions (slope, ground bearing capacity, ground roughness) as well as vegetation density. Stampfer et al. (2006) reported that while an uphill short corridor (150 m) can be installed on average in 6 hours; a 500 m downhill corridor with a single support will require 23 hours. In this study, the mounting time has taken less time for 400 m installation distance. Mounting and dismantling times affect the work productivity for cable systems (Zimbalatti and Proto, 2009). While the harvesting areas where timber yarding is performed by skyline yarder, after determining its route and mounting the skyline line, processed timber are transported toward the cleared corridor by human force with assist of gravity. Thus, lateral dragging distance is shortened and the required time and worker force is also decreased to some extent. In this study, the average lateral dragging was found to be 13.9 meters. Productivity of cable systems is highly affected by dense ground vegetation, delay time in loaded area will decrease; and the hourly production of the skyline yarder will increase significantly (Ozturk, 2004). It should be mentioned that operator and workers should be kept subject to a well training and they should have a certificate. REFERENCES LITERATURA Anonymous, 2012. IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics 21(Installation Cd rom). Aykut, T., H.H. Acar, N. 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Forest Engineering: Meeting the Needs of the Society and the Environment, Padova, Italy. Sažetak Cilj je ovog rada istražiti produktivnost i troškove žičare Urus MIII tijekom iznošenja drva iz sastojina smreke u sjeveroistočnoj Turskoj. Produktivnost žičare Urus MIII određena je uporabom povratne metode studija rada i vremena. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da neke radne karakteristike žičare Urus MIII, kao što su potrošnja goriva, obujam tovara, udaljenost iznošenja, brzina iznošenja i utrošeno vrijeme po ciklusu, imaju važan učinak na produktivnost žičare. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je produktivnost žičare Urus MIII iznosila 10,63 m³/h za srednju udaljenost iznošenja drva od 253 m. Dnevna produktivnost bila je 84,80 m³. Jedinični trošak rada žičare iznosi 30.00 €/h. Također, prosječna potrošnja goriva iznosila je 5 litara/h. KLJUČNE RIJEČI: Urus MII žičara, iznošenje drva, smreka, produktivnost |